Someone Has To Say Something

Click HERE to watch video ☝🏻

Take a guess at the demographic of the attacker versus the victim. Yet more BLACK ON WHITE crime, that you’d never hear about, if it weren’t for The Gateway Pundit, & random people like me side-reporting about it. What’s with the violence amongst blacks? Sheesh, & if I say something about it, point it out, with video proof, somehow I’m REEEEEEEEE-cist. Well, fuck that & fuck you if you think I’m a racist. There’s some serious problems going on with the black community, all the flash mob robberies, all this open shoplifting, the public violent outbursts, it’s 99% BLACK people doing it. FACTS, not feelings, fuck your feelings, I’m sick of seeing videos like this. What about the feelings on the other side? Since we’re all about feelings, what about HER feelings? Did you watch the video? Not only did he knock her out, he KEPT GOING, & would’ve probably killed her, given the chance. Where’s the outrage? Where’s ANYONE, other than me, with the balls to call BLACKS out for this violence? When will it end? When the divide & conquer is complete, & we’re all in the middle of an instigated race war, is that when it ends?

Yes, “instigated,” by the controlled-narrative fake news mass media, pushing this division with all this “blame white people for everything” nonsense. Did you see the latest Disney cartoon, for kids? “Slavery built this country,” I believe was the mantra, let’s get that indoctrinated into the next generation, shall we? Brilliant idea you race-baiting elitist overlord scumfucks. It’s ALL intentional, but, one cannot keep ignoring these violent acts being committed almost solely by black people. Either they’re compliant & smart enough to be playing along with the “divide & conquer agenda,” or just primal animals that can’t control themselves, it’s one or the other, now which do you think it is? Do a Youtube search if you don’t believe me. Any videos pop up with mobs of Whites, or Mexicans, or Asians, or Pakistanis robbing places, or causing mass fights, usually amongst themselves? Let me know if you find any, I’ll wait, because I’ve already looked. Why do they behave this way?…& what’s with the twerking on cop cars insanity? That bizarre peacocking act is another odd public display solely owned by the blacks. Why? What’s the deal with their culture? Why aren’t other blacks denouncing this madness publicly? Oh wait, maybe because they’re so eager to “get rich or die tryin’,” they focus solely on themselves as individuals, disregarding this wild pack-animal behavior being committed by other blacks? Could be, right? I’m not black, so I don’t know, but if I were black, these continuous incidents being recorded on film would be exceptionally more troubling to me, as a black man, than they are from this vantage point, as a white man. Need some extended video proof? Okay, the FisH™ abides.


Hmmmm, only people of color, yes?

…& again, where are any non-blacks? Still looking…

Like I said, ONE demographic, & these are just a few of these flash mob robbery videos. Want to see the fights too? How about the twerking on the cop cars? Let’s play, “Find the white people, or anyone else who isn’t black,” shall we?


…that’s one…

…that’s two…& now three…what do these all have in common? Do your own eyes deceive you, or is it your own fear? Why? It’s the TRUTH, have some fucking courage to admit THE TRUTH when you see it for yourself for fuck’s sake. Geez, it’s so mental how scared so many of you are. IT’S THE TRUTH, what is there to be afraid of?

Oh & let’s not forget the twerking on the cop cars…

How much video evidence do I need for fuck’s sake? Yes, I’m dropping a lot of “for fuck’s sakes,” because this behavior is bloody revolting. There’s NONE of this on video amongst ANY other race. Why? Why is that? Anyone? Anyone going to step up & give an answer? Or are you too petrified behind that white wall of forged shame? Fuck that, this lilly white fish doesn’t have that problem, on here, and/or in real life, ask anyone who knows me personally. Like a one-man war, when I don’t even want to fight, I just want the black community to address this on-going issue within themselves. Maybe take personal responsibility for their own culture, instead of blame, blame, blame it all on white people. “Systematic racism,” they say? Right, go to Africa if you wanna see real racism. The blacks there HATE American blacks, because they bitch & complain so much, when they have it so good here, better than ANY other country in the world. The USA has given more to black people than they’ll ever admit, which is not only disappointing, it’s just sad. Talk about “blinded by freedom,” crying “racism” all the time, in Africa, BLACKS HATE OTHER BLACKS, how is that not MORE racist than the made-up racism they cry about here? Imagine, another black guy hating you because you’re not the same shade of dark as he, that’s how it is in Africa. How do you think they all got sold into slavery? Who sold them into slavery? Know the answer? I do, IT WAS OTHER BLACKS, & the slave trade there goes on TO THIS VERY DAY. I think last I saw there was maybe 3 million slaves, mostly blacks & Arabs with blacks, but there’s also other races mixed in there. Still, mostly a black thing, still going on, & where are those forlorn cries of oppression about the modern-day black slave trade? (crickets)

Incidentally, in that first article, in case you just watched that horrifying attack video, did you happen to read why that 6 foot 6, 270 pound 17-year-old black kid attacked that teacher? She took away his Nintendo Switch, which he was apparently playing in the middle of class. Derp. I “derp” that because I guarantee you there’s people out there who would justify this, in the name of NOT being called the dreaded “R-word.” I don’t have that problem, because I report TRUTH, & the TRUTH is this kind of animalistic violence is singular to the black community alone, & if it isn’t addressed, it’s just going to get worse & worse, until one day we all wake up to a full-scale hot civil race war. Again, all by design, but the blacks aren’t catching on to that part of the equation, & keep acting out accordingly. Come on now black people. I know there’s plenty of good blacks out there, I’m friends with several, despite my REEEEEEEE-cist white ass calling them out on their bullshit. I openly talk with them, just like I am now, about these things, & they tell me straight up, in the words of Chris Rock himself, “There’s black people, & then there’s niggas, & the niggas got to go.” HE said that, not me. Of course, at the time, he could swing it, & drop red pills with the funny-funnies, but now, nope, he’s as quiet publicly as everyone else about it. Here’s the clip by the way, just because it’s funny, as well as true.

One can only hope this intentional destruction of America stops, but it won’t. I told you, they want to burn it all down, & it seems like most people are so complacent, that nothing the few of us do who are aware can stop it. All these “random” incidents lately, are most certainly NOT random. OVER 100 food-processing plants don’t just catch fire in a year. THREE oil refinery explosions in ONE day at facilities owned by the same company, is NOT random. This singularly black crime spree isn’t random either, as these black people are clearly organizing before they go rob places 20-30 heads deep. Of course, I don’t think anyone is encouraging them other than themselves, & they’re playing right along into the big trap. Stop feeding the Beast black people, the elites don’t care what race you are, we’re ALL just cattle to them, & eventually cattle ALL get slaughtered together. Maybe quit helping them herd the herd, & get some self-awareness as a community, so we can fight THEM united together, instead of each other until there’s none of us left, giving said so-called elites exactly what they want. These words all fall on deaf ears though unfortunately, I know. I have no delusions about how little traffic I get, but you know what? I keep writing anyway, because that’s what true warriors for truth do in a world of lies & deception. FIGHT, fight for truth, against THEM, not with each other. Anyway, I’m gonna wrap this up, I think you get the point dear reader, yes? Until next time, watch your asses out there. One never knows when this cancer of crime will spread into their world. That is all. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all.🐡

“Watch your asses out there.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Have some courage, cowardice is the real slavery .” ~Fish F Fish🎏