Biden’s America

I’m going to boldly assume that I am not alone with this dire living situation under the Biden regime, yes? Feels more like dying, rather than living. Holy hell, what the fuck happened to this once great country? Everything was looking up, once Trump got elected in 2016; the economy was booming, we were in a relative peacetime globally, the swamp was at risk of being drained, we were all making & saving the cheesbait fiat paper I-O-U Monoploy™ money, then POOF, it all disappeared, like an old man’s fart in the wind, the day this demented kid-sniffing corrupt pedo puppet Joe Biden was s-elected into office. We all know he lost, we all know they cheated, & the most glaring evidence is right there in front of everyone’s faces. Do you want to know what “evidence” I am referring to? Sure you do, & said evidence is this: Potato Joe allegedly won with a “record 81 million votes,” remember that? If that were true, how come they never bring it up? Don’t you think that the idiots on the lunatic left would be reminding the American public every single day if that were the case? They don’t though, no leftists, no Democrat politicians, not even the Fake News MSM, & THAT, in my opinion of course, is the most obvious evidence I know that they lost the election, & if the real numbers came in, it would be the other way around.

However, before you start thinking that yours truly is up Trump’s tighty-whitey-wearing fat ass, think again. People seem to forget who got the pseudo-vaccine through, AND promoted the fact that he did so, in several speeches he made as it was rolling out. It was only after the reports of life-threatening side effects came out that not only Trump, but all those scumbag elitists as well, refused to take responsibility for the jab, which makes me wonder. It makes me wonder that when the lights go out, & the cameras turn off, maybe, just maybe, all of them, ALL OF THEM, Trump included, are all in the same damn club. I’m sure you know the quip from the great George Carlin by now, right? “It’s a big club, & YOU, ain’t in it,” & perhaps that’s the case for everyone who becomes famous. Fame puts you into a bubble, & that bubble separates you, & will ALWAYS separate you from the general public. It blows my mind when these famous people try to relate to the “average American,” when they no idea as to how the average American is living, barely squeezing by, especially nowadays. How many of you have lost all of your resources/assets? How many of you worry about paying the next round of bills? How many of you hold your breath for a second when you start your car, anxious as to whether today will be the day when ti doesn’t start? How many of you are directly affected by inflation & rising prices?

Trump will save the USSA in 2024; it’s a movement, & We The People, led by #OrangeManBad, are going to take back everything the left took from us. Oh sure, it’s wunderbar to believe that If Trump gets re-elected in 2024, that he will ride in on a shimmering flying horse, to save America & the world from the infamous Deep State, & their one world order globalist agenda. Yes, he’s gonna save us all, ONE MAN, is going to stop everything these so-called “ruling elites,” who want 90% of us exterminated, have done to fulfill their plan to take total dominion over the planet . Look at how much the USA has changed in since he left office, look at the speed of the destruction along with the rise of the chaos, & not just here, but around the globe, yet ONE GUY, who might even be on their side, is going to stomp the brakes on their plan, bringing said plan, to a grinding halt, once he’s back in. That’s a bit optimistic, to say the least, yes? Exceptionally wishful thinking, yes? You should know by now that the mainstream media fake news is all scripted narrative Kabuki theatre by now, so what makes you so confident that Trump is not only part of it, he’s playing his part to perfection. I’m not saying he is, of course, but I’m not saying he isn’t either, & like I said, once you’re famous, you’re in the proverbial bubble, & the everyday American is no longer in the same boat as you…not even in the same ocean, or even in a boat, because they’re in their private jest, exhausting out more carbon that your car emits in a year, then threatening you with a carbon tax, along with everything else getting taxed.

Imagine this, imagine if the next phase is to get everyone on Team MAGA convinced that he’s beat these bogus charges against him, & he’s going to be in the race for sure, the numero uno candidate, running on stopping the Deep State. Suddenly, when the hype is at its peak, he’s removed entirely, via some illness, or more made-up charges that stick, or at the worst, they assassinate him in broad daylight. Everyone wearing a Make America Great Again hat, will lose all faith in the system, demoralizing millions, taking the last thread of hope they have left, & lighting it ablaze, like a dynamite stick wick, until KABOOM, there’s nothing left but the smell of sulfuric hell. I’m not saying this is what’s going to happen, but I am saying that you should be careful about which orange basket you put all of your eggs into. There’s a plan underway, as we speak, to completely & utterly destroy this country, & armed Americans are one of the final obstacles impeding the fulfillment of their new world order agenda, which they want completed by 2030. We have 6 & ½ years, only 6 & ½ years to go; Trump was elected 6 & ½ years ago, & look how fast that time blew by, as the 4th dimension of time is accelerating for some reason I am not entirely aware of. Faster & faster & faster, like the flushing of a shat-filled toilet. Maybe that’s how 4d time goes forward, if you will, like a time spiral. Galaxies do that, spinning faster & faster, the closer you get to the center, so why not time, our real-time time?…but as always, I digress.

Nonetheless, buckle up dear readers, because methinks that if you think you’ve seen bad, just wait until worse gets here, because “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet,” as the title of the BTO(Bachman Turner Overdrive) song goes. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe, especially with all of the utterly hellish chaos going on everywhere, but please believe, & this is not hyperbolic pessimism, WE HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING YET, compared to what’s coming. Speculate all of this out just one year, ONE year, to the summer of 2024, right before the November election , only a few months left to go, & what does your own reasoning tell you? Now, speculate out 5 years, to 2028, if you dare. Spooky, isn’t it? Sure, it’s great to be optimistic, but you know who always beats out the perpetual optimist? The pragmatist, & that little fucker sits on the shoulder of yours truly, day & night, reminding me of where the facts point, right to a dystopian nightmare hell on Earth, full of poverty, addiction, depression, looting, crime waves like you cannot imagine, maybe even as far as a real pandemic, one that is analogous to a real-life Walking Dead. The head throbs, the head throbs, the cancer has gone terminal, & is now in hospice, just waiting to take its figuratively final breath. Until next time dear readers, the end of America as we once knew it is nigh, prepare accordingly. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎣

“The end of the world that you grew up is nigh, prepare accordingly.” Fish F Fish🎏