
Image   Today’s word of the day is going to be bailiwick. This will also be the topic of my 400th post, yes my FOUR-HUNDREDTH POST. I come across this word every day, but how and why is my business. I’m just here to tell you what the word means>>>  bailiwick  <<< CLICK HERE for the dictionary definition. My definition is always simpler, a bailiwick is a person’s particular skill and/or talent. In a sentence… As a detective, the man’s bailiwick was homicide. A bailiwick also refers to the district that a baliff works in, such as in a courtroom. Take a minute and find a use for bailiwick in your own sentence. My main interest is writing, and you might say my bailiwick is blog-writing. See, not so hard. So happy 400th post to me and whatever your bailiwick may be, put your heart into it. Wide eyes open, love to all.


honey bee with flower animation       Some 25,000 bumblebees were found dead in what witnesses are claiming is the greatest single bee kill EVER. That’s right, yet another record first.   I’m just the translator people. This information exists with or without me, I’m just here to share it with all of you. Here’s your link CLICK HERE>>>25,000 Bees Discovered Dead in Oregon Parking Lot – Io9  Something to be aware of…no bees, no pollination, no flowers, etc… wide eyes open.

Love to all.  Animated Gif on Giphy

Summer Solstice


 Animated Gif on Giphy


That’s right, today is the beginning of Summer Solstice, the 1st day of summer and the longest day of the year. Most of you have heard the term summer solstice, but do you know what it is? CLICK HERE>>> Summer Solstice – Overview of the Summer Solstice  The solstice lasts 3 days and ends this Sunday with what is called a….

Supermoon               For those who use astrology to guide their lives, this is an important weekend. Many have gathered at Stonehenge…                ….because the solstices and equinoxes are important among some who follow the occult.     So what does this mean for the rest of us?

         That, as I mentioned in earlier post, is to remain secret until the time comes. I actually don’t know, don’t know a thing. I can tell you what is happening even though I already did, but to refresh: Major flooding in numerous parts of the world, more records broken. Archaeologists have discovered a Mayan city. No not a Mayan temple, a CITY, complete with pyramids and houses and stores and art, one of the structures is said to be 75 feet high. And have you heard about what happened to this Michael Hastings guy? CLICK HERE>>>  Michael Hastings Was Assassinated  FBI saying he died in car accident, yet his car engine is found over half a football field away, intact, as if it had been blown away. I’ll get into all this more below. Oh, and we can’t forget to mention the world markets, which all took a big downward swing yesterday, what is happening today though? 

Now I am not exactly a reporter, but from time to time I like to catch myself and all of you up on some news that everyone is somewhat aware of, you know, MSM news. The MSM is shifting, albeit at a snail’s pace, but nonetheless, shifting toward more open-minded and more importantly, TRUTHFUL reporting. But of course they still lie, and they do it every day, so if it’s real truth you want, stick to the alternative media. We have no scripts, we just tell it like we see it. So just like an entry level college english class I am going to go through each of these as I’v already summarized them in the previous paragraph, but going more into detail. You ready? Let’s have fun.

Flooding, flooding, flooding, flooding, flooding. Seems it was global drought, now mass flooding. You all know I’m not religious but that sentence sounded biblical didn’t it? In Calgary, Canada…      Nearly 100,00 people,

being evacuated at this moment. Locals claiming it’s worst flooding ever…   News for canada worst flood ever   <<< You can click there and read more.

Over in Germany, they are still recovering from what has been reported as the worst flooding in 500 years. Damages estimated so far at around $8 billion, but the greatest loss is the loss of the history. Whole towns underwater, rivers where streets once were, the architecture ruined, most of which was already rebuilt after 2 world wars….   … they are again, forced to rebuild from the ruins.

Now moving over to India, where monsoon season started a record two weeks early this year. Thousands missing, over 600 known dead so far, and it is still going on right now… CLICK HERE >>>Northern India Flooding   I know many of you know the word monsoon, but do you know what one actually is? Monsoons are seasonal storms, therefore more predictable then say a hurricane or tornado, but the damage can be just as devastating as they sweep across South and Southeast Asia…      The downpours last for days, weeks, and the flooding is extensive. This year however, the monsoon season has come two weeks early, and is spelling early disaster for thousands of people in North India…                     This village in the last picture looks as though it is moments from being swept away doesn’t it? I don’t know if it it was, but it does appear to be in great danger. I believe there has been some localized flooding in areas of Russia from the same systems that have flooded Germany. Here in the US, there has been some flooding in the south central region along with a “storm of storms” which spawned several tornados and killed several people. I quoted “storm of storms” because that was said by a resident of the area who claims to have never seen anything like it. Yet more firsts and records. A record wildfire is burning in Colorado right now, already having destroyed several homes…


        …and you can read more about those wildfires going on at this moment if you CLICK HERE>>> Massive wildfire threatening to destroy Colorado mountain town

Quite a bit going on around the world as far as climate extremes,, isn’t there? Yet some people still want to act like it’s just normal, this happens every year. Bullshit. That is mumpsimus logic and it’s irrational and out-dated. These extremes are just the beginning of something greater around the corner. The great change, oh yes, walking up your front stairs right now to knock on the door. Will you answer, will you open the door? Or will you cower in fear and hide in your room and hope the great change goes to the next house and spares yours? Stay alert. 

On to brighter news, a major discovery is underway as you read and I type. In the western Yucatan peninsula, researchers have discovered an entire Mayan city which they have named Chactun which means ‘red stone.’ Here’s a linkAncient Mayan City Discovered in Mexican Jungle  The site is 54 acres of pyramids, houses, plazas,palatial remains, sporting arenas. They are estimating the site to be from 600 to 900 AD, at the time of the fall of the Mayan civilization which may hold some major clues as to what really happened to the Mayans and their culture.                     

                   As you can see, preserved paintings, sculptures, all of these were used by the Maya to not only ornate, but to detail events that they encountered during their time. I think that there is a lot yet to be revealed here, if they let the general public in on what they really discover that is… but you can read all about it in the link above.

On to what may be the most important topic, at least in some people’s minds right now,…Michael Hastings. Two days ago, I had never heard of this guy. Now I am finding out more and more by the minute. CLICK HERE>>>Michael Hastings (journalist)  Supposedly, he died tragically in a fiery car accident in Los Angeles. Here’s his picture:  

Young guy, 33 years old, about the same age I am, but this was no accident. The FBI is already hushing it which is their dead giveaway. Every time there is a cover up, when they hush it away without investigation, it’s the obvious dead giveaway, but they bank on the fact that most of the public is so fluoridated by now, that they will buy any story they are told via the MSM. Now, Wanna know why this was no accident? Of course you do, so see here:     Burned up car looks like it hit into a tree and caught fire…pretty obvious right? Witnesses say that the car was moving and on fire when it jack-knicked as if it hit something, then subsequently rolled to a stop at said tree. Okay so let’s start from these two versions, because they are the only versions so far. There is a variable that I haven’t mentioned yet however that makes everything really get interesting. No matter what happened to this car, what do you think may have happened to the engine? And here’s the variable,… the engine was found intact and unburned nearly 60 yards away from this car that is clearly head-first in a tree….                                       .

Ummmm…. what? First, why would he be wanted dead? Well he called his lawyer only hours before claiming that the FBI was after him and wanted him dead. That is documented and damn if it doesn’t just seem simply honest, right? Tells lawyer FBI wants to kill him, car explodes, engine ends up 60 yards away, FBI says no foul play, case dismissed. A very very very very obvious murder/coverup, right in all of our faces, and they are going to get away with it. Hastings had a past with the government, he brought down a General, that’s a big deal. Oh, you probably need links, here you go >>>  Michael Hastings Dead at 33 | Politics News | Rolling Stone

RIP Michael Hastings and while we are at it, RIP James Gandolfini:   These things seem to happen in 3’s but I really don’t wanna add any more decent human beings onto the obituary page you know. I watched Inside the Actor’s Studio with James Gandolfini >>>   …and I found James to be kind of shy, somewhat introverted, calculating but in a slow way, you could see how he did so well at playing Tony Soprano. Very honest guy, he seemed like a really kindred spirit so thanks James for your contribution and also let’s definitely not forget a huge thanks to the work of Michael Hastings. Both of these men died before their times. Hastings was only 33, murdered, another one murdered, by these shadowy government agencies that are still trying to run their machine even if it is running into the ground. You will be missed, but your souls live on in all of us who must remain here a little while longer, and in some way, after that as well, into an infinite spiral of time.


Those are only some of the things going on now, but there is much to come this weekend. It is the Summer Solstice, think of it as a long weekend if you count today. Longest days of the year are upon us at this time, along with several nights of bright full and semi-full moons, brightest of the year, until ISON gets here. But that’s for another blog. Oh yes, there will be more and more blogs as we get closer to the day that Comet ISON becomes visible to the naked eye, then gets as bright as a full moon, and let’s see…that date is….. Big sun-diving Comet ISON might be spectacular in late 2013 …   looks like around November 28 this year so mark your calendar although I don’t think you’ll need to if this thing is as bright as they say it’s going to be. Another post for another time though. Only 2 away from 400. 400 posts I’ve created for all of you, my beloved readers/watchers. You are the ones who make it all worth while. Thank you. Love to all.