Raping the Pig

The Fooze: S3 E27 3/27/2023 ONE Day

Before we start, what the hell is Cesar Chavez Day? How is it possible, at my middle-age, that I’ve NEVER heard of this silly federal holiday until now? Who cares about this guy? Oh wait, “woke” liberal retards & assumingly Mexican-Americans do I suppose. Derp. Honk honk honk…anyway, let’s move on to the topic. I just had to add this as a pre-addendum of sorts. Enjoy the rest of the article.

Well, well, well…while you were sleeping, look what your friends in the shady banking racketeering extortion industry did. Yep, in the middle of the night on a late Sunday night/early Monday morning, which isn’t suspect at all because those are normal banking hours, First Citizens bought up Silicon Valley Bank. Not only did they scoop it up in the middle of the night, they got a sweet $16.5 BILLION $$$ discount. Wow, what a deal, but I must imply here that there was NOTHING shady about this at all…nope, nothing to see here ya mouth-breathing peasants. Go to work, watch tv, eat the food, drink the water, & shut yo mouth. Don’t ask any questions, don’t do your own research, do not use your own critical-thinking skills, nope, don’t do any of those things. Just bend over & take your rump-rogering, because there’s 2 tiers of justice in Clownworld, & these so-called elites can do whatever they want, but if it were you or I, we’d be in federal prison. See how that works? Seems fair, right?

No, it’s NOT fair at all, & it’s NOT right at all…it’s as unfair as it gets, & although life itself is unfair, this bullshit that your self-imposed “leaders” pull behind the scenes exponentially amplifies the aforementioned unfairness, & serves only to give them more power, while all of you keep running around in The Great Mouse Trap. Left, right, left, right, around & around the maze, chasing the cheesebait fiat paper money that they seemingly have endless amounts of for themselves. Why should you keep busting your ass at an unfulfilling slave job, while these elitist scum just print the money that they want, launder the money that they want, extort the money that they want from YOU via “taxes” on every fucking thing you buy, so why should you abide this corruption?

Fuck paying taxes first of all; I quit paying taxes years ago & I’ll NEVER pay them again. TAXATION IS THEFT…PERIOD. Fuck the IRS…nothing but a mafia that only exists via their extortion apparatus that they call “taxes.” It’s NOT taxes, it’s silent extortion, & I don’t abide extortionist thieves. YOU can if you want, it’s up to each individually sovereign American to make that choice for themselves, but as for me, it’s a hard NO. I get “taxed” on EVERY FUCKING THING I buy, so if this rogue alphabet agency known as the IRS thinks they can “tax” me again at the end of the year on income they already taxed, after I bust my ass all year, I’m not paying it & they can go fuck themselves right up their greedy wrinkled asses. Especially after I see article after article after article reporting nonsense like middle-of-the-night weekend bank bailout deals, oh hell no. Only a compliant debt slave would comply with these grimy thieves. I myself, am NOT a debt slave, despite my outrageous debt, & my sub-500 credit score, so does it sound like I’m ever going to pay them a single penny?

Fuck no, & I hope one of those shiny new armed IRS agents, numbering around 87,000 I believe, comes to pay me a visit in person, so I can personally let them know where they can stick their bill. I’m not scared of them, & if the other 330 million Americans followed my lead, we could shut down this nationwide extortion racket in a single day. How would we do that? Great question, thanks for playing. The answer is simple: DO NOT PAY YOUR TAXES. Just take your tax forms, throw them in the trash, & enjoy the rest of your day. If EVERY American refused to pay taxes, it would stop. How could it keep going if none of us pay them a dime? It couldn’t, but unfortunately there’s no possible way that a lone rebel like myself could successfully get EVERY American to come together as ONE force to stop these corrupt scumfucks from continuing with their nefariously respective agendas. It’s unfortunate, it truly is, that Americans as a singularly solid entity cannot realize what is being done to them. Stop playing into the divide & conquer agenda, because that’s how they keep doing what they’re doing. If America wasn’t socially split in two, we could come together as ONE & end ALL of this. ONE day, that’s all it would take, ONE day of unity, & we could take our country back from these globalist operatives that are actively destroying our country. ONE day.

Unfortunately, that ONE day might never come. They’ve achieved their plan to divide the country, & neither side is coming back. Every dirty bird has TWO wings, a left & a right, but it’s all part of the same dirty bird. The lunatic left is gone…GONE…there’s no coming back for them. Don’t believe me? Try talking to one. The right, although more sane, relatively speaking of course, are putting all of their eggs into one proverbial orange basket. Trump is going to come back & save the world; ONE guy is going to come back & reverse all of this chaos these globalists have created. How about you STOP? Maybe STOP you MAGA-hat wearers, & think about the bet you’re taking. First off, the house ALWAYS wins in the casino, the “house” being these psychopathic s-elected elites, & two, what sort of gambler puts EVERYTHING they have onto one number on the roulette wheel? I’ll tell you what kind of gambler does that…a DEGENERATE gambler, & what always happens to degenerate gamblers? They lose; they ALWAYS lose. What happens if something happens to Trump? What then? That liquidates EVERY bet on Trump if he isn’t around anymore. Imagine how demoralizing that would be, all those bleeding-red hearts broken, all those Make America Great Again hopes crushed, & to be honest, I’m concerned the powers-that-be WILL do something to remove him entirely from the game.

Doesn’t matter what I think, and/or what I say, and/or what I do, because no one is going to change their echo-chambered opinions. The shadows & the echoes of the proverbially Platonian Cave are too realistic for them to realize that they are still chained to themselves in the darkness. I can scream & shout, proclaiming, “The way out is up here, at the cave exit/entrance. Look at the sunshine, look at the real reality OUTSIDE of the Cave,” but it matters not. If I go down into the Cave to try to free a single one of you, I get exiled. Well, I AM exiled, proving my point. No no no, they cannot have people exposing the TRUTH, now can they?…so they digitally banish thought-criminal dissidents like me, until they can actively search & destroy me, & everyone else who simply wants to exist in the REAL world, not this artificially propped-up Clownworld Cave you are all stuck in. They’ve hijacked the zeitgeist, as I’ve reasserted ad nauseam here, & now the snowball has grown so big, there’s no way to stop it. Eventually, the snowball has to hit a bottom though, & when it does, POOF, everyone gets covered in snow, snow-blinded by the blinding light, & buried in their own Katamarian mess. I don’t know exactly what that event would entail, but at the rate we’re going, it’s going to be a train-wreck of unprecedented dynamism.

Oh my, look at what I’ve done yet again…another multi-page essay of sorts. Add it to my list of unheard diatribes exposing the truth of the matter at hand. Can’t stop, won’t stop, & despite WordPress shadowbanning me, Facecrack & Twatter banning me for life, riding 2 strikes on Instacrap, & a fresh strike from Pootube, the “Big 4” can blow me if they think they can shut me up. It’s going to take a bullet to my brain to do that, & if that happens, IT WASN’T BY MY OWN HAND. Yes, these alphabet agencies silence people all the time, & I’m no different. Doesn’t matter if I get no traffic, the AI still actively alerts them to social dissidence, so come on you fuckers. Bring it. The others may comply & bend the knee to you corrupted cancerous cunts, but me, NEVER. Until next time dear readers, the day of reckoning gets closer by the second, so what will you do when we the cultural critical mass comes? Get learn-ed, or get burn-ed. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“Get learn-ed, or get burn-ed.” Fish F Fish🎏