Closing the Gap

Back Behind the Bar



“One thing about those who’ve never ridden the train before that is remarkably puzzling, is the fact that they boldly carry on as though they can comprehend the ride, in a most condescending way too, despite the fact they’ve never even had a train ticket, much less hopped on board.” Fish F Fish🎏

Yours truly could go on quite a diatribe about the facets of opiate addiction, many diatribes in fact, countless in number. Some up, some down, all that cooks up in between, & it could be narrated, spoken via the spookily sultry spoken subtitling voice of the great William S. Burroughs, a proverbial poet-warrior, far ahead of his time, timelessly captured in a future’s past, in that bygone era Americana of the early 20th century. His only hangup was being a fag, & most certainly wasn’t the pinch of the spike, for he was one of the first to capitalize on that “conduit,” as he said, that gateway plunge to the Interzone, as I have spoken of in prior posts. Psilocybin can take you there, LSD can take you there, but what many do not know, unless they mount the horse, is that you can gallop there as well, via a needle, a spoon, & a bag of the finest dope. Of course, & with a double-edged bittersweetness, heroin & morphine have been sourced out, replaced by fentanyl, which is not a true opioid, for it comes not from the poppy. It is as artificial as a reality TV show, made completely in a Chinese chemical lab, from start to its marquee pin-hole end. It has no “legs,” so to speak, & thus, no capacity for the creation of art. It’s a knockout punch, a prayer before dying, then if you’re lucky, more unsatisfyingly short-lived one-two slugs to the chin. Would you like to hear Old Bill speak?

Although created in 1959, when Bill was still alive, I don’t think Old Bill here would abide fetty, as the street pimps call it, or the overall uselessness of it for relieving pain, or relieving anything at all, & unless sustained, only dons the mask for a half-hour or so at best, before the sleeve must come up, the veins must be raised, & the spike must be hammered into the railroad track yet again. There’s no functioning on fentanyl, hence the expression, “no legs.” A solid dose of heroin, or morphine, & an active junky can maintain a job, drive a car, have family time, without drawing suspicion to their habit. The creation of art can be pure, beautiful, perhaps even enhanced, but without legs, as when on the fet, none of these things are possible. It’s a home run to the hole, for one careless misstep, whoops, & it’s over the line you go, like falling backwards into a tunnel, it all becomes a black dot that gets smaller & smaller, until POOF, gone. Without legs, you can’t dance, & unfortunately, the dancing is done, because finding legit heroin anymore is nearly impossible. It’s seemingly all become fetty these days, along with an unending procession of deaths due to doses over the line, all courtesy of a rogue “bureaucracy,” just as Old Bull predicted. Amazing how these geniuses of a time long gone knew, they knew it as well as the biting of teeth, what was to come. Where have they gone? Where have my heroes all gone to?

Yikes, such a blood-boiled subject, taught in a classroom with no doors, where the lecturer seems to never stop lecturing. To look at one’s arms, at the scars on the heart, the roads blocked due to landslides, is a testament to a journey gone painfully askew, into a petrifying forest of dead trees. There’s a seething heartbreak in all of it, when everything’s gone, except your last train ticket, & you only see concrete walls around, 40-feet thick, & no ropes, no ladders, no trampolines to bounce your way back out into the shining sun. It never leaves you, said heartbreak, & that’s all I’m going to say about it. To hear more, seek the wisdom of Old Bill up above there, as he has the words, & I only have the rhymes. Until next time dear readers…🎏

Break on Through

Fuckin hell, FINALLY, finally, finally…like a wave of divine reckoning, you could say. Accounts settled. No, not my outrageous paper I-O-U monopoly fiat money debt, fuck them, my debt to myself, for what happened in 2022, all of like savings, my resources, all of it now gone after your so-called leaders intentionally crashed the markets, it’s all now gone, as gone as gone can get, & it’s never coming back, & FINALLY, finally somehow as I sat on a couch watching videos about spiritual awakenings, which I’m WELL-aware of, since that’s what I based this site on originally, when I created it 11 years ago. I was up, then down, then up, then way down, then way up, then right back down, & why? What is the life lesson I’m meant to learn here? I thought about this notion, & I’m still thinking about it, but in the middle of these thoughts, these clouds in the mind’s sky, it just dawned on me, like a wave, like a physical tingling electric wave, & POOF, it’s just…gone now, the monkey from 2022, now just, gone. Clear eyes are prevailing, & as I make an exceptionally difficult decision to embark on this journey, I must embrace the idea of change, & growth, & moving forward. This time ain’t stopping, & while it’s still available, it’s become a matter of utmost importance to embrace it, & ride this roller coaster all the way through.

Yes, just letting it go, letting all of it go, go, go, gone…it’s gone away in the past, forever, & now is a new time. Time…we are only bound to it here in 3d, & for some reason, it makes it so precious while we’re here, & so many are going through this fully understanding that inclination, while others waste it, like yours truly, wasted so much of it, so much, but if I don’t let it go, & look toward the future, I cannot progress leveling up, & that’s something I just can’t abide. I cannot fail myself for whatever I came here to do, there has to be a reason, or maybe there is no reason, & THAT alone, is reason enough? I don’t know, but I’m now looking quite forward to changing venues, so to speak, & returning to…what am I returning to? Family, number one, that’s going to be number one, getting home, & then I don’t know, & I don’t want to anticipate, speculate, or expect anything about what is coming, as I must just allow time to happen, allow this experience to play out, while regaining total control over my own free will. I’m thinking the will is free, it IS free, truly free…unless…unless you enslave your own damn self, which again, yours truly is very guilty of, very guilty, but at least aware, thank goodness. Sheesh, imagine acting this way without the self-awareness. Yikes.

All if it, every stinking sniffling little pill of pain, literally & proverbially, poisoning the food, the water, broadcasting programs, just what the fuck is going on here in this world? Something ain’t right, damnit, & I guess I’m extra-sensitive to it, I don’t know, but there’s many of us who are virtuous, & benevolent, & are drawn to love like summer moths to a porch light, getting chased by a Siamese cat. This world could be SO MUCH BETTER, but these soulless evil fucks, these God-damned minions of darkness, have taken over, & are going to continue to try to take over, this beautiful world, a world full of music, & dancing, & laughing, yet now rotting, rotting with drugs, & murderers, & pimps, & zombies, & I hate that. I really do, I fucking hate that, I hate what they are doing, but dwelling on it, or illustrating it any further unless deemed necessary, is now possibly coming to a grinding halt. I have drawn from the well, & the water was dark, so dark you couldn’t see the bottom of the bucket, that’s how dark the water got, but I want the pure water now, the doe-eyed water, clear, Brita-filtered through my fingers, water that others might want to drink. Who wants to drink dirty water, know what I mean?

It has already begun, oh the pain, the pain in my brain, the spider in the corner, ran out of my ear, & since I don’t kill spiders, I gently scooped it up, despite it nesting in my brain for a bit, I decided not to squash it into grimy guts in the napkin in my hand, no…no, I just opened the door, & threw it back out into the Nature from whence it came. There’s no feelings in Nature, you see? No, Nature is a killer, & it’s naive to assume that men aren’t killers too, right? Killers, man, these marauding murderers running the world, & I suppose for them, since they already consider themselves people-herders, the value of human life is more…subjective. Like for instance, my life, would be considered essentially worthless, like a commodity, but only to them, because obviously to me & my circle, it’s all I got, so I will protect it fiercely if these killers at the top of the power pyramid force us all into a conflict of a global nature, where we have no choice, but to all be killers, if you want to survive. Nature returning to take back what men took from her perhaps? Oh look at these men, these brilliant men, creating, & inventing, & learning, & teaching, but then wait, one group of said men, wants to use these advancements for destruction, rather than creation, & kill other men. Killers, the unescapable poison of power perhaps? Is power like a drug? I’m sure it is, & it feels like the best drug, & maybe it is, I wouldn’t know. I know about DRUGS drugs, that I know about, but power, nah, I’ve never really wielded it much. I’ve always been one to stay to myself, or have girlfriends & small, small circles. I’ve watched power a lot, I’ve watched how power plays out in social hierarchies, but I’ve always just been a watcher, the observer, watching, not much doing unfortunately, but enough watching to write an opus about, which I should do, yes, I need to write a book, I’m going to write a book, yes, my book, my book for the world. I should do that…time…time…tick tick tick, tock tock, don’t look at the clock, because it won’t stop.

Well, well, well…what a whirlwind wedding of writing I’ve written here…whew. Lost myself for a bit there, had to take a little break, then come back & wrap this up. Gotta look at this in a positive light, no matter how sad the situation seems, it’s not permanent. Nothing is ultimately, if we truly are eternal, right? Unfortunately, these moments come I guess, just hard to play them out in real time, or maybe use your free will to just ride the wave, all the way to that white sandy shore, until you paddle out again, or whatever it is you do when you find yourself floating in the ocean. Until next time dear readers, until next time. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Until next time.” Fish F Fish🎏