Closing the Gap


Ceremony 3

I know, I know, it’s been a while since i’ve posted. I’ve been very busy moving and doing some life-maneuvering. I put together this vid real quick for you all to enjoy. There aren’t many vids of this song that entail much more than the music…a few still pics but that’s it, so I animated it up for everyone. The lyrics are underneath the vid in the info box if you click the “Watch on Youtube” icon sooo… Watch. Enjoy. Share. Wide eyes open, love to all.

Ceremony 2


This song was written and performed relatively close to Ian Curtis’ untimely suicide. The remaining members of Joy Division formed New Order and released this song in 1981 with Bernard Sumner, the guitarist, doing lead vocals. There is an original version with Curtis singing here…  … and the New Order version here…  … I couldn’t remember if I had uploaded these song lyrics before for you. If I have, here it is again,…if not, here you are…

This is why events unnerve me,
They find it all, a different story,
Notice whom for wheels are turning,
Turn again and turn towards this time,
All she ask’s the strength to hold me,
Then again the same old story,
World will travel, oh so quickly,
Travel first and lean towards this time.
Oh, I’ll break them down, no mercy shown,
Heaven knows, it’s got to be this time,
Watching her, these things she said,
The times she cried,
Too frail to wake this time.
Oh I’ll break them down, no mercy shown
Heaven knows, it’s got to be this time,
Avenues all lined with trees,
Picture me and then you start watching,
Watching forever, forever,
Watching love grow, forever,
Letting me know, forever.

 This image speaks volumes for me and others who suffer from some sort of mental anguish that accompanies this existence at times. Some of us are just a bit more sensitive to it than others. How hard it is to make them understand, especially her….

~written by Ian Curtis of Joy Division. His heart was a beautiful as his words and what a tragedy for this world to lose such genius. Rest well my friend. Love to all.

Ceremony Once More

Ceremony Once More

This song brings tears to my eyes for many reasons. Sometimes words do that when you hear them the right way. I’m very grateful and lucky to have experienced Ian Curtis and Joy Division. No matter what happens, their electricity is bound inside me forever. It feels like loneliness unbound. It’s a sadness you all can never understand, hence my tears. Some souls are just here briefly, souls filled with love crushed by the lack of it in this crumbling humanity. None of you get it. I’m all alone, either in madness or genius. But I’d rather be me with these eyes then to see what you all see. The other side is my true freedom, yours as well, if you know how to know it. These words are for none and all, as Zarathustra would say. The loneliest path is the hardest and the saddest but some of us are just on that road…. ES


This is why events unnerve me,
They find it all, a different story,
Notice whom for wheels are turning,
Turn again and turn towards this time,
All she ask’s the strength to hold me,
Then again the same old story,
Word will travel, oh so quickly,
Travel first and lean towards this time.

Oh, I’ll break them down, no mercy shown,
Heaven knows, it’s got to be this time,
Watching her, these things she said,
The times she cried,
Too frail to wake this time.

Oh, I’ll break them down, no mercy shown,
Heaven knows, it’s got to be this time,
Avenues all lined with trees,
Picture me and then you start watching,
Watching forever, forever,
Watching love grow, forever,
Letting me know, forever.





Not something I usually do, but I am writing the lyrics down for Joy Division’s Ceremony. If you don’t know who Joy Division is, at first, my mind says,”Tell them to kill themselves.” But that isn’t right now is it? Joy Division is an amazing spark of genius from the late 1970’s. Ian Curtis was their frontman, yet another being not of this world. Too light for this dark existence, as are many true artists. Sadly, he hung himself at age 23, but what he left behind for us lives forever.
I cannot express how sad it is to me personally that this young life was lost to the chaotic madness of this reality. There is a pain, inside all of us, and some are just more sensitive to that pain than others. It’s a pain with no remedy, it’s like a cancer, and it eats away, driving you mad as it consumes you. Breaks my heart.

Here are some links to info about Joy Division:

And here are the lyrics:

This is why events unnerve me,
They find it all, a different story,
Notice whom for wheels are turning,
Turn again and turn towards this time,
All she ask’s the strength to hold me,
Then again the same old story,
Word will travel, oh so quickly,
Travel first and lean towards this time.

Oh, I’ll break them down, no mercy shown,
Heaven knows, it’s got to be this time,
Watching her, these things she said,
The times she cried,
Too frail to wake this time.

Oh, I’ll break them down, no mercy shown,
Heaven knows, it’s got to be this time,
Avenues all lined with trees,
Picture me and then you start watching,
Watching forever, forever,
Watching love grow, forever,
Letting me know, forever.

Read up about Ian Curtis and Joy Division. Music is like a vibratory glue that binds us all together into a similar wavelength. The energy in that wavelength is what you feel when you hear your favorite music. It rides up your back, curling around your spine like an electric snake, sending waves in and out of you, with each breath, like a pulse. Ever wonder why it is that you like the music you like? All has to do with resonance, yours, the Universe’s, the frequency between those resonances. I will go more into music in a future post. For now, focus on Ian Curtis and Joy Division. If you know, know more. If you don’t know, inform yourselves. For your sake…to not know Ian Curtis is to not know… well, you’ll either get it or you won’t. Happy hunting. Ears wide open this round. Love to all.