Cosmic Dreamer 🌌🍥

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The Fooze: S3 E2 3/2/2023 Blood Eagle

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I wish I was making this horrible story up, but unfortunately it’s not fiction, it’s a true story. Ready? Here we go, ugh, I’m still sickened, but let’s do this, let’s just rip off the proverbial band-aid & say it: Two ILLEGAL Honduran border-crossers shot & killed an American bald eagle, with the intention of eating it. If that’s not an analogy to the current state of this forsaken country, especially as it relates to the wide-open border to the south, I don’t know what is. Sheesh. First of all, WHY? I’m sure there’s plenty of other things to shoot & kill & eat in Nebraska of all places, yes? Nope, apparently not, not for these two idiots anyway, who it seems had done this before, & YES, I’m STILL sickeningly shaking my fucking head after coming across this sordid story. I mean, COME ON, seriously with this? Am I hallucinating? I just don’t get it. I’ve seen bald eagles up close, & they’re large birds, BIRDS OF PREY, & albeit they’re big birds with meat on them, they’re NOT, NOT NOT NOT birds that you eat for fuck’s sake, what the hell is this world coming to? Oh, not to mention it’s our national bird, highly-endangered, & supposedly stringently protected by law, particularly from being MURDERED, especially murdered by illegal border-crossers one would assume, right? Good thing the cops showed up to serve them up some American justice, along with their eagle wings, right?

Wrong, because these “authorities,” according to their badges & guns, didn’t really do much. They took the dead bird, the gun, & one of them got cited for not having a driver’s license. No driver’s license?…for an ILLEGAL border-crosser?…shocker, & how about those UN-charges they both got for the unlawful slaughter of this highly-endangered national bird? Oh, still awaiting “possible” future charges for their crime it says in the article, sure thing, which probably will never come. Going to give them a court date? I’m sure they’ll be sure to appear promptly on time, most likely when they’re back in Honduras you stupid stupid morons. Derp, what a pathetic joke of a “justice” system. They should be found guilty, then given the maximum penalty possible for this crap, maybe even cut off their hands, as an example to the millions of other illegals casually walking across the southern border, like they’re walking into Disneyworld. Will these eagle-killers be given said maximum penalty though? Most likely, nope, & beyond me backseat-driver reporting on this story, it’ll be gone by this time tomorrow. Doesn’t fit any narrative being barfed out by the fake news at the moment, so yep, down the chute to the trash compacter with this sadly sordid story after I’m done with it. I had to look WAYYYYYYYYYYYY down on The Gateway Pundit to even see this article, & other than Cassandra MacDonald & myself, not a single other writer wrote about this. Quite reflective of the narrative-driven fake news mainstream media, is it not?

Let’s be sure to mention this, the utterly accurate analogy underlying this story; two ILLEGALS killing & eating the national bird of the country they just illegally entered. I mean WOW, just WOW, almost as if it was scripted somehow. Incredibly disrespectful to say the least, but also the horror of it. Yes, the horror, because it’s truly horrifying when our majestic national bird, highly endangered, probably had baby eagles in a nest somewhere, is murdered by these 3rd world shithole animals who sneak into our country with zero regard for the life we create, preserve, & protect here. They’re sneaking in here to kill, kill our bird, our national bird, a bird revered by all Americans who live here LEGALLY. Our national bird was established by The Founders, our Great American Bald Eagle, & they sneak in here to kill our bird. Is the analogy clear enough for you yet? I’m not sure how much more eloquently I can spell out it out for you, so if you aren’t getting it, maybe you’re retarded. I don’t know, but what I DO know, is that I am sick & tired of illegal border-crossers disrespecting our country, our flag, our laws, & now our national bird apparently, in the worst way possible too, by killing & eating one. Gah, it’s so infuriating. The national bird of Honduras is the Scarlet Macaw, pictured below. If I went to Honduras, found one of these rainbow-feathered flappers, shot one & killed it, then ate it, how would that go down with the Honduran authorities? Or what about the Honduran people, how would they feel about an American gringo, a foreigner, coming to their country & doing that? Oh wait, AND I’m White, so wouldn’t that piss them off even more? Can’t win if you’re White, can you? It’s certainly OKAY to be White, but we get blamed for everything, thus, we can’t win, not in Clownworld…(honk noise)

Nope, you can’t win here if you’re white, & if you aren’t white, you get treated with the kid gloves by law enforcement unless you do something really bad, & even then, it’s a different dynamic based on your race. Apparently, crossing the border illegally, then killing our national bird before eating it, is somehow NOT considered exceptionally warranted to be punished by the most severe of plausible consequences for such an offensive action, if you’re a foreign person-of-color.. Did they even go to jail? Doesn’t say, but I don’t think so, just “cited,” & it’s yet another example of illegal border-crossing vermin getting away with crimes that everyday Americans would get severely punished for. The “justice” system sure is fickle for being “blind,” isn’t it? Intentionally implanted progressively regressive liberal clown judges are to blame, along with their parallel-planted prosecutorial counterparts. All a rigged political game, THEIR game, not yours. You are only forced into it when you refuse to comply with their bullshit laws & regulations. How about FUCK THEM, how about that? Fuck all you corrupted scumfucks, ALL OF YOU, including the alphabet agencies like the CIA, FBI, DOJ, you are ALL corrupt foot soldiers for an illegal rogue regime that bends the knee to the globalists in The Capstone Club. If you all weren’t weaponized, you’d be nothing, but FUCK YOU ALL anyways, because I will expose you with my words, you & all your dastardly deeds you do. You are ENEMIES, enemies of the American people & I’d wager you fucks are the ones causing all these “random” train derailments & “random” food-processing plant fires. Oh yes, you are NOT fooling everyone, & there are more & more people like me everyday who are sick & tired of your sinister shenaniganery & are stepping up & doing something about it. All I can do is fight you all with these words, MY words, & my words alone, but if you want a fight, you got it you fuckwads. EXPOSURE, & every single day I will globally post something in this public sphere to shine light on your crimes until you are stopped, then hopefully prosecuted, found guilty, then hung by your serpentine necks until you’re all DEAD, DEAD, DEAD for crimes against humanity, treason, sedition, & for just being generally evil scum.

Of course, there’s the pragmatist on my other shoulder, reminding me that most likely, nothing will change other than everything getting worse, & more corrupted. Sadly, these evil elitist overlords & their minion foot soldiers are a malignant cancer, & that cancer is terminal methinks, especially after spreading so far, sinking so deep into this hodgepodge American pseudo-culture, that there’s no way back I fear. This is only my opinion, mine alone, & believe me, I wish there was a feasible way to turn this out-of-control train around, or at the very least, stop it in its tracks before it goes completely off the rails. I just don’t see how though, as anyone/everyone who identifies as a leftist/liberal/loser is certainly far-gone/programmed/brainwashed/in a state of hypnoses-psychosis & never coming back. The conservatives will never regress into libtardian clowns, so how does it play out when there’s no where for either side to go? That “national divorce” is sounding better by the day, & like every other divorce, it will be messy when the actual split comes, very messy, as in who gets what & where & how & such…but the split must come regardless I think. I don’t know though, I really don’t. I have no idea how this all sorts itself out. Things all tend to sort themselves out at some point, one way or another, but this, this abysmally defunct mess of a country, I just don’t see how. I have no real power to change it but nonetheless, I will keep writing daily, occasionally multi-daily, exposing your so-called “leaders,” in all of their flounderous folly as their sinking ship capsizes under the weight of their own disgusting quest for power. Again, it’s THEIR game, not mine, I’m merely here to expose it, hopefully before they take us all down in the same flames they consume themselves with.

Anyway, that’s going to do it for this depressing Foozer. Unfortunately, I can’t apologize on behalf of these two ILLEGAL border-crossers that committed this most-heinous act not only against our country, but against the animal kingdom itself. They did it, not me, & it’s foolish to be sorry for someone else’s evil ridiculousness. Who kills & eats a bald eagle? Seriously, despite everything else, come on, who the fuck does that? It’s not only stupidly unnecessary, it’s an analogy, grimly analogous to what’s going on at the southern border, or rather, what is NOT going on as far as enforcing the security of said border. Just going to keep letting them walk right on through, are we? Looking right at you President Braindead, & that cackling moron Vice President “border czar” of yours, who’s yet to even visit the border as far as I know. Stolen election, stolen government, stolen country, & if you believe in thieves, you’re as dumb as you look. Until next time, dear readers, look in the mirror & ask yourself, “Who do you really trust?” So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🐡

“If you believe in thieves, you’re as dumb as you look.” ~Fish F Fish🎏