My Drugs

Important words for an addict, “My drugs,” because that’s numero uno when you’re a junkie, your drugs. Where are my drugs, how much of my drugs are left, how soon will I need to call my dealer, when can I make a run?…these are the only things that matter, when you’re an addict, especially if you’re on the needle. If you’re on the needle, you’re done. Done. Period. With all this fetty floating around, it’s just a matter of time. Barely anyone gets out alive already, ESPECIALLY once they’re on the needle. It’s a dark world, as self-centered as it gets, because all that matters, is my drugs.

You grab your spoon, your crusty spoon, so much dope has been on that spoon, dope, & hope, all gone. Waiting sucks, so you give it a little heat, just a touch, & swirl it around, then drop your cotton, maybe a new one, maybe a used one, doesn’t matter. Might be some residue on an old one, so let’s use that one, yeah. Now a fresh spike, oh no, it’s my last one, but it’s a freshie, so no worries. Pop it, stick it, pull her up, the gun is now loaded. Where will you hit?…gotta make sure the gun is in your mouth before you pull the trigger, look at all those places where veins used to be, damn, all shot to hell, fuck, look around, looking, oh there’s one, one little spot, got it. Stabby time, & stick, it’s in, just pull up some blood to make sure I didn’t go to far, oh yes, clean shot, looks good, looks good, & plunge away. There she is. Hey girl…mmmmmmm. Hey there sweet girl. Back in our room, aren’t we girl? Just you & I. Oh wow, the room is getting smaller, like a vignette, there’s that weird taste in my mouth, oh but the vignette is closing, yes, the room getting smaller, & smaller, eyes are closing, show is over, last thoughts, as the vignette closes down to a pin, one little pin of light, one eye barely still open, stay awake maybe?…what did you say?…shhhhh…then just let go. Let go. Bye. Your body pukes out foam, trying to stay alive, but nope, you shot too much, & there’s no Narcan, or anyone around to save you anyway, & you die, alone. That’s the end, the end of your movie, & someone will find you, or rather, your body, all rotting & stinking of gruesome death.

.This ain’t gonna be no PSA for “just saying no,” or some corny nonsense like that, nope. Just illustrating the world of the dope fiend, & what comes first. I’ve seen moms do dope with their kids in the car seat. It takes away everything you have, everyone you love, everything, dope takes it all, once you’re on the needle. I lived that world for a long time, much too long. Dark days…I’m amazed I’m still here, to be honest. Feels like I’m the only one left, & they all went the same way, impaled by the spike. The worst thing you lose, is your will to appreciate life, & particularly, time. Nope, just waste away, slow suicide, until one day you’re shooting ½ gram bags at once, just to get through a shift at work. It’s insane how dark this world can become. Wanna see? Here’s a video from Kensington, a neighborhood in Philadelphia, where it literally looks like a scene from The Walking Dead. Check it out.

Not good, is it? This is some new drug called “Tranq,” & I’m not very familiar with it, nor am I interested in doing the zombie walk, sheesh, look at these people. Does this look like “life” to you? Does it look like these people are “living?” Fuck no, & it just keeps getting worse & worse & worse. There’s thousands of these videos, it’s absolutely shameful. People lose hope though, when situations go south, & they have no money, & “life,” just seems impossible, BOOM, enter the drugs, & WHAM, you’re addicted, just like that. Over time, it grows, like a little troll in your gut, stabbing at your stomach when he needs his medicine, & the more time goes by, the harder he stabs, the deeper the knife plunges into the walls of your guts, & he yells, “FEED ME!” You get anxious, then you sweat, then your stomach goes berserk, then it’s hell, the hell of kicking dope. A hell that I reserve to wish only upon my worst enemies. One hell week, then you’re free. It seems like an eternity though, for some reason.

Yeah, it’s rough, particularly off the needle, which is why so many people die. They try to kick, they try hard, they fight, nothing works though to make the cramps stop, to make the pain stop, to make the manic mind stop. Nope, there’s nothing…except dope, of course, so then they go score, because the pain is unbearably rough, & they shoot a big shot because oh that pain, it’s so bad, & because they haven’t used for a bit, their tolerance is lower, & POOF, lights out. That’s it. Done. Out. Gone. Bye. You’re no longer among the living, & everyone who’s left has to clean up the mess you leave. Foam coming out of your mouth, piss & shit on your crotch area, maybe running down your legs, cold, blue, stiffened up, just a body, as the soul has departed, & that’s the end of that person’s story, just like that. Everything they did in this life, from being born to growing up & going to school & making lifelong friends & relationships & learning your individually respective talents, & then to leaving home, & going to college maybe, & then you graduate & because college is a total waste of time for most people, you bee-bop around until you find a job, whatever. Can’t speculate generally on lives after college, because everyone goes in a million different directions when that time comes. Some find a “career,” & go on to get married, & have some kids, & get divorced, & all that made-for-television kind of life. Some go other ways, & maybe they take risks, they gamble on life, & that’s their life, just rolling with the flow. Some stay golden, & they live in the neighborhoods with the big houses, & pools, & they’re virtuous, despite their wealth. I suppose they just got a better ticket for the ride, but all-in-all, you get the point, right? Everyone goes different ways, but some, more-so than ever, go the way of addiction. Doesn’t matter what you do, or where you come from, there’s been an addict from every socio-eco-demographic you can think of. It’s a monster, a virus, a disease, a cancer, all of it in one really, & once you’re infected, it’s for life, unfortunately. Such is the way of my drugs. Do you get it yet? When you’re on the sauce, the sauce is boss. Good quote. I’m gonna have to add it to my book, The Great Quote Hunt, but I digress, as usual. Where was I? Oh yes, there is nothing else but getting well, as they say, once that needle is in your arm. If you’re not banging away, there’s still hope for you, but like I said, in the beginning, if the needle bag is open, your life is about to close up for the night, the darkest night of your life.

Oh but look at the time; I just heard the attention span alert go off. That must mean it’s once again time to wrap up yet another article composed by yours truly. There were good times, & hell, there were GREAT times with the drugs, but in the end, the dope casino wins & you walk out with nothing left but your socks, sometimes not even those. Not to mention, there are serious long-term effects, mental AND physical, as the human body isn’t built to exist in such a way. Self-care is important, but self-medicating to dull your wounds is no bueno. It doesn’t last, it never lasts, ever, & sadly, every junkie always gets to that moment when the drugs are almost gone, down to maybe a hit left, then gone, nothing, & you tell yourself, “I got this, I can beat it; just need a few days of detox, & I’m good to go.” Ummmmmmm…that’s a hard “NO,” NO NO NO…that NEVER works, ever, so maybe the best bet for all of you reading this, is to just never do drugs. 99 out of 100 lose the war, so do you honestly believe that you would be the one to get out completely? Ah, the junkie mind, the priorities so out of whack, & all that matters, is that phrase, “getting well.” Until next time dear readers, rewind the tape & peep my last few posts prior to this one. Get your respective selves all caught up. I could keep going, I could always keep going, write-write-writing about life, but I have a book to work on, so I can’t spend all my time on these random thought-articles I post, nor the Foozers, not until my book is done. Like I said, there’s PLENTY to go backwards in time on to find some enlightenments here in my opus of sorts. Find the “SEARCH” query, type in anything, ANYTHING, & a few fish will always bite. Over 6000 pages here…oh yes, that’s right, you heard me, SIX-THOUSAND PAGES of my madness, transcribed for all of you of course, & for none of you at all. That is the way, & I abide the truth. So sayeth FisH™…🎏



“One thing about those who’ve never ridden the train before that is remarkably puzzling, is the fact that they boldly carry on as though they can comprehend the ride, in a most condescending way too, despite the fact they’ve never even had a train ticket, much less hopped on board.” Fish F Fish🎏

Yours truly could go on quite a diatribe about the facets of opiate addiction, many diatribes in fact, countless in number. Some up, some down, all that cooks up in between, & it could be narrated, spoken via the spookily sultry spoken subtitling voice of the great William S. Burroughs, a proverbial poet-warrior, far ahead of his time, timelessly captured in a future’s past, in that bygone era Americana of the early 20th century. His only hangup was being a fag, & most certainly wasn’t the pinch of the spike, for he was one of the first to capitalize on that “conduit,” as he said, that gateway plunge to the Interzone, as I have spoken of in prior posts. Psilocybin can take you there, LSD can take you there, but what many do not know, unless they mount the horse, is that you can gallop there as well, via a needle, a spoon, & a bag of the finest dope. Of course, & with a double-edged bittersweetness, heroin & morphine have been sourced out, replaced by fentanyl, which is not a true opioid, for it comes not from the poppy. It is as artificial as a reality TV show, made completely in a Chinese chemical lab, from start to its marquee pin-hole end. It has no “legs,” so to speak, & thus, no capacity for the creation of art. It’s a knockout punch, a prayer before dying, then if you’re lucky, more unsatisfyingly short-lived one-two slugs to the chin. Would you like to hear Old Bill speak?

Although created in 1959, when Bill was still alive, I don’t think Old Bill here would abide fetty, as the street pimps call it, or the overall uselessness of it for relieving pain, or relieving anything at all, & unless sustained, only dons the mask for a half-hour or so at best, before the sleeve must come up, the veins must be raised, & the spike must be hammered into the railroad track yet again. There’s no functioning on fentanyl, hence the expression, “no legs.” A solid dose of heroin, or morphine, & an active junky can maintain a job, drive a car, have family time, without drawing suspicion to their habit. The creation of art can be pure, beautiful, perhaps even enhanced, but without legs, as when on the fet, none of these things are possible. It’s a home run to the hole, for one careless misstep, whoops, & it’s over the line you go, like falling backwards into a tunnel, it all becomes a black dot that gets smaller & smaller, until POOF, gone. Without legs, you can’t dance, & unfortunately, the dancing is done, because finding legit heroin anymore is nearly impossible. It’s seemingly all become fetty these days, along with an unending procession of deaths due to doses over the line, all courtesy of a rogue “bureaucracy,” just as Old Bull predicted. Amazing how these geniuses of a time long gone knew, they knew it as well as the biting of teeth, what was to come. Where have they gone? Where have my heroes all gone to?

Yikes, such a blood-boiled subject, taught in a classroom with no doors, where the lecturer seems to never stop lecturing. To look at one’s arms, at the scars on the heart, the roads blocked due to landslides, is a testament to a journey gone painfully askew, into a petrifying forest of dead trees. There’s a seething heartbreak in all of it, when everything’s gone, except your last train ticket, & you only see concrete walls around, 40-feet thick, & no ropes, no ladders, no trampolines to bounce your way back out into the shining sun. It never leaves you, said heartbreak, & that’s all I’m going to say about it. To hear more, seek the wisdom of Old Bill up above there, as he has the words, & I only have the rhymes. Until next time dear readers…🎏