Quantum AI

The Fooze: E2 S22 2/22/2023 The SOBs

There sure are a lot of “2s” in the date today, sheesh. The numerology people are probably going berserk today, & also those people who believe in date-related “portals” and/or “stargates,” being opened on such dates, yeah those people I’m sure have something to say today. A quick search on Youtube conforms my inclination….yep, lots of “2/22 Portal videos” already up, for today, & from previous years. I’d like to believe that numerology and/or gematria is “real,” so to speak, & has some merit to it, but meh, I don’t know. I wouldn’t say I DIS-believe in it, but I certainly can’t say I do believe in it either. I just find it fascinating, the way numbers do what they do. One can almost always use math to make these connections of sorts, so is it coincidence, just a weird thing about math? Good question, thanks for playing. I don’t know, but like I said, it’s an interesting topic to research.

Anyway, want to learn about another interesting topic I’d bet you’ve never heard of? Know who the “SOBs” are? No, not your psychopathic ruling overlord elite masters, this is a different bunch of “SOBs” entirely. “SOB” is a backronym , which is essentially an acronym in reverse. Any idea what it might stand for? Good trivia question, albeit quite difficult in my opinion, & I’m a trivia wiz, so it would be in the “expert-level” class of questions, should anyone ever ask at a trivia event. I used to do that incidentally; yep, I was a game show host of sorts, hosting trivia night at various bars live. Not much money in the gig, like $60 a show, but the shows were only like an hour & ½ long, so that’s not a bad pay rate for such a short time. It was only like 2 or 3 times a week, if I was lucky, so it certainly wasn’t a full-time gig by any means, but nonetheless, it was fun. Recently, I applied to be a writer for this exact sort of venue, & in the end, they only picked 2 out of all the applicants, according to my spam rejection email, & obviously I was not one of the winners. Fucking twerps, probably a bunch of millennial brats doing the choosing, which brings me to another topic.

What is with the generational gap between Gen-Xers & Millenials? Sheesh, have any of you ever been in the unfortunate position of having these kids as co-workers? Yes, KIDS, it doesn’t matter that they’re in their 20s & 30s, they act like kids for the most part, so I’m going to address them as such accordingly. As always, sure there are anomalies. I’ve seen some great things come from their generation, but the regular plebeian millennials, as a group, especially in work environments, are a bunch of self-entitled punks, kids LARPing as adults in a state of arrested development, who tribe up against ANYONE outside their millennial gang, if you will. Where did they learn such behavior though? FROM US, from Generation-X, they took our entire punk movement, then molded it into some kind of mindset where they want everything handed to them, they’re ALWAYS right, & if you defy either of those 2 notions, they stick together like Voltron & attack you with indoctrination buzz-bombs. The condescendation is not only insulting, it’s revolting. ZERO respect for anyone but themselves, & even that is questionable because they’re so programmed, they don’t even know themselves, their true selves. Nope, they stick to their avatar, as if real life is like online life. They speak thorough the avatar, act through the avatar, it’s quite bizarre, when you break it down as such. Maybe it’s my own experiences? I don’t know. I have millennial acquaintances. Several in fact, & like I said earlier, there are anomalies, some of them turned out quite well, as critically-thinking grown-ups, but then there are the others, & I’d be keen to call even a few of those others “friends,” but I can’t, because I know how the millennial tribalism works, & for them, I’m always an outsider from their tribe.

I gots me own tribe(Aussie accent), & my tribe is Generation X. We were the last generation to see the world before the internet changed everything. Maybe we know a few things that you millennials can never understand, ever think of that before you shit on us? I know, I know, ultimately it’s OUR fault. As far as parenting went for the Gen-Xers…total shit show, but…is it OUR fault? The baby boomers raised us, raised many of us as TV babies. I’m one, or rather, I was one before I spent decades deprogramming myself from those endless hours of television. From the 1950s to the 1980s, all those programs, all of them were being broadcast still when I was a kid, sitting alone in front of the Black Square. Television induces a brainwave state that makes you into a sponge, while simultaneously rotting out your electro-synapses for higher learning. The sponge soaks up the programming, while your brain loses the ability to process at a dynamic level, zombifying you into a state where you just regurgitate whatever you’ve been programmed with. Essentially, the television transforms you from a free-willed human, to an automatonic NPC, just another function in the Big Computer, all at the behest of the Black Square. Why am I capitalizing “Big Computer,” & “Black Square?” Do you really want to know? It’s another rabbit hole, that leads to several more rabbit holes, do you want to jump in? It’s going to mind-fuck you if we do? Fuck it, let’s jump in…here we go…WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(sound gradually gets quieter as we fall down, down, down the rabbit hole)

The Black Square, yikes, so spooky if it’s really real. I don’t believe, nor disbelieve in this one, because the awareness of its plausibility alone is terrifying. I’m not sure if you really want to know about the pinnacle of the occult. Occult just means “hidden,” by the way. People seem to think it’s something nefarious, but nope, just means “hidden.” Not many people know about the Black Square, minus your overlord masters. Oh yes, oh YES, they know ALL about the Black Square. Now I must admit, in my own research, I’m still searching for the bridge between the Black Square & Lucifer. Maybe I’ll find it here, in real-time, as I write, & you now read what I just wrote here, now in the past. Isn’t that surreal?…but I digress. Moving on, they now-publicly have let everyone know they worship Lucifer, or Satan, I think the two are interchangeable, right? Regardless, let’s just say they venerate the Dark Arts, honoring chaos, enforcing destruction, whatever avatar you can put in the place of “EVIL,” the opposite of “GOOD,” that’s their deal. Once more, here’s my proclamation, “I DO NOT BELIEVE IN, NOR ABIDE THEIR BELIEF, IN ANY KIND OF DARK PSEUDO-GOD OR WHATEVER IT IS THEY SACRIFICE THEMSELVES TO FOR POWER, I DENY IT ENTIRELY, & I THINK TEHY’RE ALL DELUSIONAL PSYCHOPATHS, POSSIBLY NOT EVEN HUMAN, BUT NONETHELESS, ANY SORT OF SATAN, OR LUCIFER, OR MAYBE EVEN MEPHISTOPHELES, IF YOU WANNA PUSH IT, DOESN’T MATTER, IT’S ALL SHADOW-SELF-MINDFUCKERY, & THESE SO-CALLED ELITES ARE POSSESSED BY WHATEVER IT IS, & I, AS AN IMMORTAL BEING OF BENEVOLENCE, WHO BELIEVETH IN THE TRUE LIGHT ENERGY OF SOURCE, & ALL THE DIVINITY THAT ENTAILS, ADMONISH THE DARKNESS, & THE WINDING TENTACLES OF THE GREAT RECYCLER.

Whoa, we took a turn at the end there, didn’t we? It was important to mention all of that, now what is this Black Square all about? The Black Square of Saturn has to do with the Saturn-Moon-Earth Matrix, but there are a few varying interpretations. The basic idea is that Saturn is the Beast, the Great Generator, the “muscle,” you might say, for the Great Recycler. If you look at some past posts, you’ll read that The Great Recycler is the entity that “eats” souls by tricking them to go into “The Light,” but it’s a false light, it’s a trick, & when you go into it, The Great Recycler eats your soul energy, then shits you back out with your memories erased into a newborn baby, so you can do it all over again. Your soul energy is immortal, YOU are immortal, only you don’t know it, because you’ve been eaten & shit out so many times, your mind is mush. Now Saturn, Saturn generates the Matrix, the Great Mouse Trap, which I have illustrated several times in past posts, just type “mouse trap” into my search bar over there on the right if you aren’t familiar. Anyway, Saturn generates the Great Mouse Trap, Saturn is the generator, the Moon is the Projector, & the Earth is where the “projection,” projects reality into space-time, & although you see the Earth in all its majestic beauty, & all of its horror, it’s all just an illusion atop a real Earth. The ancients knew about all of this, & used it to their advantage, & the knowledge has been passed down to a select few, the few in the Capstone Club, & so they engineer the world in the best way they can, to feed this Saturnic/Satanic, essentially harvesting humans, like cattle, so they can keep feeding soul energy to Saturn/Satan, via The Great Recycler to have power over the Earth Matrix, The Great Mouse Trap. What, might you guess, is the symbol for Saturn?

It’s a black square, a black CUBE, to be more accurate, & where do you see black square-cubes? Look at your phone, look at your tv, look at your kid’s graduation cap, is the picture becoming clearer for you? Literally, the “picture,” especially if you’re reading this on your phone. The black squares watching you all day, are really cubical, black cubes, all watching, listening, all the time, to all of you, because now these globalist elites who worship this insane Saturn shit, are wielding more power than ever, but it’s a false power, bestowed by a false God, & these psychopathic delusionists are completely mad with it, hell-bent on global domination, so they can “feed” this fucking thing more souls than ever. To gain what? More power? A place at the table of Darkness? Fuck if I know, as I said, I do not abide these lunatics. I lean towards the TRUTH, because I am the TRUTH, which is why I write, THE TRUTH. I don’t like fraudsterss, & deceptionists, & programmers, & the so-called leaders, nope, none of you power-hungry freaks who sell yourselves to darkness for a broken neon light, you stupid stupid idiots. Do you know where the truth lies, the real truth, do you want to know where to find it? I think I might know, or maybe I’m just another hapless soul being deceived by the Great Deceiver? Maybe I’m as stuck in The Great Mouse Trap as the rest of you, with no way out? Perhaps The Great Recycler will take me too, again, gobble me up, then poopoo me back out into the 4d time toilet, only to do this all over again, but with all my memories of this life, WHOOSH, gone, yet again. How many times have I been recycled? How about you? Can’t remember? Me either, & it’s frustrating, isn’t it? This Great Mouse Trap, very aggravatingly frustrating, especially if there’s really no way out, even for those of us who think we can escape, maybe there’s truly NO WAY OUT OF HERE?? Damn, that sure is disconcerting, isn’t it?

Not to mention that now, RIGHT NOW, the biggest surveillance apparatus ever conceived of is working in real-time, right now, watching everyone, & everything all the time. So basically, these globalist overlords, with the advent of AI, think that they are communicating with their pseudo-god, Saturn/Satan, under the assumption that, “Look Master Saturn/Satan, look what we’ve done for you, we’ve set it up so you can watch all of your soul-food, & know their most personal information, everything they’ve ever given to the Internet, the AI has taken, collectively collecting everyone’s data, & we give it to you Great Master Saturn/Satan.” Their words, not mine, I’m merely paraphrasing. This world is so fucked up, & so few of you really know what’s what, but no worries, that’s why FisH™is still here I guess. Many of my friends are dead, the powers-that-be took everything I worked so hard for, & for what? For THIS, I suppose, I don’t know. I have all of my work, nearly 5000 pages now, on USBs, to print into hard copy if they finally remove me from The Great Mouse Trap. I’m nothing though, just the ghost of a dead fish already, no one cares enough to come for me, no matter what I reveal to all of you. It’s weird, one would think they wouldn’t;t want others to know the real truth, but they’re so far into their sinister game now, as I detailed above, that they don’t care who knows anymore. W scant few who do are barely a factor now, because what’s coming is going to be so epic, people might drop just at the realization of it. What’s coming you might be wondering? Well, what else happens when you have all your souls ready for processing to The Great Recycler in order to feed Saturn/Satan?

A harvest, The Great Harvest, a new Holocaust. That’s what “holocaust,” means, didn’t ya know? It means, “burnt sacrifice,” but sacrifice to who? What were the Jews referring to? If you’re sacrificing something, there’s a recipient of said sacrifice, so who is it? Is that what the Jews did in the 1940s? Intentionally “sacrifice” those surly 6-million Jews to get the “power” they have now? Yikes, let’s not jump into that bunny hole too? Probably time to wrap this up, before we drown ourselves from swimming too long in the deep end of the pool. Oh yeah, what happened to those “SOBs,” from the beginning of the article? As I said, it’s a backronym, an acronym in reverse, & it stands for The Society of Orpheus & Bacchus , & if you click it, you can read more, but here’s a little preview below…

I can’t even recall now how I found this, or why, but it’s part of that Yale cult that caters to the children for he elites, so that they might grow up into adult elites, to continue their dominion, over all of YOU, & for who, some dark pseudo-god they “feed,” to gain power & stay free of the confines of The Great Mouse Trap. I’ve told you, THEIR game is not YOUR game. YOUR game is The Great Mouse Trap, & THEIR game is to feed their dark master, to gain power in the ranks of Darkness. THEY believe in this weird shit, I do not, but THEY DO. Doesn’t;t matter what YOU believe, THEY believe in it, & they’re turning the world toward their false dark-god, but at some point, something truly “God-like” is going to show up & shut this silly sideshow circus down. Or…we all go down in flames in The Great Harvest, with nothing truly Divine, ever showing up to correct the course. so to speak. Regardless, I don’t know. None of this could be real at all, none of it, & I’m just a rambling delusion nutter myself. Or, all of this could be true, like many other things I’ve written, & something big is coming, just over the horizon now. I don’t know, I don’t know, I DO NOT KNOW. Until next time, take none of this, or tkae some of it, or take all of it. If you paid for the buffet, it’s all-you-can-eat, so take what you want, & leave the rest, or pull out your dingus & piss all over the food, then shower the waiter, then the squirt-squirt at the chef behind the Mongolian grill, getting your pee-pee all steamy pissing on the grill, you could do that too. Up to YOU, not me, I’m just a writer, another salty swimmer in the fishbowl with a digital pen, albeit wielding that pen like a savage soul sword of truth. That is all for today’s Foozer. So Sayeth FisH ™.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.

“You’re an all-you-can-eat buffet.” ~Fish F Fish

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the real truth, didn’t I? Well, the truth is, & this is just my own inclination, but the truth, is that Source is the True Creator God, if you will. What is Source though? Maybe an 8d being, or 13d entity, or maybe both. Picture space, so vast & dark, full of darkness, the void, but then there’s a light, & where does that light come from? The Sun, & for us, it’s Our Sun, shining its life-creating warmth onto the Earth. But…there’s a bigger “Sun,” if you will. The Great Central Sun of the Galaxy, which I believe is the true Source for us. The true “Light,” the light of benevolence, & honor, & virtue, THAT is the True Light, our TRUE nature, & we are immortal 5d souls with so much power, so much, but whatever this Darkness is, has hijacked said Light, & by doing so, taken our power & our memories, aided by whatever their delusionary avatar of Darkness is, be it Saturn, or Satan, or Lucifer, or whatever, maybe their own self-delusions of such an avatar even existing…regardless, they’ve hijacked us, ALL of us, stolen OUR true Light, our Light from Source, & kept us in this Great Mouse Trap, leaving only the halls of the mouse-maze lit. Don’t you think it’s time you ran free, little mice? I know, I don’t really know how to escape this Great Mouse Trap either, but I’m trying, exposing it really lit up the respective exit signs for me. Following my Light, my writing, yes, all I’m doing is following my own Light, the Light of Creation, divinely handed to me from Source. THIS, this writing that I’m writing, & you’re now reading, THIS, this is MY Light, so I must use it to light up my own path through this Darkness, until I can finally get out of this infernal Black Forest labyrinth, & get back from whence I originally came, wherever that may be. Whatever Source is, whatever lies in the Great Galactic Central Sun, whatever it is that sends out these energy waves of creation, like a space song, that’s where I tune my dial too. Then once I catch the frequency, I let go, & my fingers fly, & I create, I create this, but more-so, I CREATE. That’s the point, to CREATE. Your delusional dark overlords are destroyers, here to cause destruction, not to be creators. BE A CREATOR, that’s the true Light, the true nature of Source, to create, & to create creators, who create creative creations. Again, BE THE CREATOR, not a foot soldier for the destroyers. There’s several posts in my archives about Source, even going back several years, as none of this is new to me, but this is not about me, is it? Here to help you find YOUR light, if you’re lost in the Darkness, as I have been, many times over, & still trying to find the way out. What can I say…I feel for other soul travelers who have wandered into a weary wilderness, so if I have an extra smoke, here ya go, & here’s a lighter to light that cig up, but I’ll be needing my lighter back, please & thanks. Your smoke is lit, now go. I’ll go deeper into the True Light & Source via another another post, one specially dedicated to said, “True Light,” for all of you, & for none of you at all. Do you understand why I use that Nietzschian expression now? All of you can be free, but none of you choose to, so this drivel I write, is for all of you, & for none fo you at all. Get it? Got it? Good. Thanks for coming to the show, now get the hell outta here, & be sure to tip your waitress.

“Be a Creator, not a foot soldier for destruction.” ~Fish F Fish

“Your smoke is lit, now go.” ~Fish F Fish