

All credit for this vid goes to a guy on Youtube that goes by the name of BPEarthWatch. Here’s his link>>> His channel offers great info, although sometimes it gets a little too religiously christian on there, but nonetheless, his work is very informative. He has been up-to-date on Comet ISON, which I’m sure most of you can see is NOT being reported about anywhere on the MSM. Well once you watch this vid, you may want to start looking into planet Nibiru, Sumerians, the Annunaki, etc… all easy info to find on Google if you don’t know already. Now as I have told you all many times, I do not claim to believe nor disbelieve in any of this knowledge, I am only here to inform you about it. Many ancient societies have made reference to a “winged planetary object” that comes through our galaxy on an unusual orbit, and causes anomalies on the planets it passes as it comes through. And there is of course the theory about an alien race called the Annunaki, who actually may be responsible for creating human beings, and they exist on a planet called Nibiru that either is the said “winged planetary object” or is a planet orbiting that “winged object.” You can read all about it for yourselves with some easy Google searches and make your own interpretations. I think I have some stuff in my archives for you as well. So here it is, the latest images of the “Comet” ISON. First, I brought you these images: 

And now we have these images coming out as ISON gets closer… this is a screenshot from the video that BP referenced for his video above… check it out:  isonsept14

Sorry the image is smaller than the above ones, but just click on it and it will blow-up fullscreen and you can see that it clearly shows what appears to be a “winged planetary object,” does it not? This image came from the Slooh space camera. There has been nothing done to it, this is what it is. Do the powers that be know about this, do they know something big is coming? I have looked at the projected orbit of ISON. Should it survive it’s trip around the Sun, it will come back passed Earth around December 26 I believe, crossing directly in front of Earth’s orbit. Now this comet is as long as 4 Earths, so if we go through it’s tail, well I suppose it’s still too early to speculate. But if something were coming, do you think that those powers would tell everyone? Gonna be an interesting next few months, that’s for sure. As I discover these new images and receive these new updates on this Comet ISON event, I will be sure to let you all know. I think there is a lot more to this than what is being publicized. As I said earlier, this “object” was mentioned in many ancient societies, so what are the odds of an object arriving relatively close to the time predicted, same time actually just one year later, AND that object appearing to be “winged?” Here’s the link to the source video that BP used>>>  It was posted by a guy that goes by the Youtube handle seeingatruth. All video credit goes to him. All I did here was translate the new data, and post a screenshot for you. So now you have 2 videos, images, links, get informed on Comet ISON. Why is this event not being talked about except on the alternative media? Lots of questions surrounding this event. More to come. Wide eyes open. Love to all.