What’s Inside a Girl?

Closing the Gap

A Dying Spirit

Purgatory Past

Getting older, it’s something we all must do, despite an eternal soul, an eternally youthful soul, as these fragile meat suits eventually whither like a fallen fig, & then it ends. Do you remember where you were before? Do you recall this existence when you dream? No, you don’t, at least yours truly doesn’t, so I can only surmise that when I exhale that last breath, & all the jelly beans in the jar have been eaten, I won’t recall any of this. That’s a bit disconcerting, is it not? Geez, all this time, while we exist within this 3d matrix prison planet, then just POOF, gone, as if it never happened. All those anxious anxieties, all the stressful stressing, the short days & the long nights, the magic of music, all the treasures collected, all of it, just gone, as if it never happened at all. Of course, I don’t know for sure that I won’t remember, as I am simply basing this bittersweet assumption on the notion that I do not recall where I was prior to being born here, & as I said, in dreams, this “life,” if one can boldly call it that, simply has no relevance. No, in dreams, we go to some other place, some outer-dimensional realm, that I have feverishly & desperately attempted to map, before the recollections of whatever I dreamt began to fade like a sunset as soon as my tired eyes awaken back here in the waking world, so to speak.

Is this life a purgatory of sorts? Is it a test, or perhaps a punishment, like a Saturday detention for acting the class clown for the sake of some cheap laughs from the other students? If it is the former, then what are we being tested for? Prior incarnations that we cannot recall? Hard to pass a test, if you don’t know what the grading system is, or what you’ve done to earn said testing, isn’t it? if it’s the latter, how can we be punished for something we have no recollection of doing? The Universe, in its perfect design, must know what it’s doing, right? If so, then I suppose there can be no better manner of leveling up one’s soul to a state sufficient enough to please the Great Creator, than this, a life of karmic chance, holding onto a candlelight in the darkest of night, waiting for the dawn to come again, for Source to shine its omnipresent glow upon a sullen face, drawn & wrinkled after a lifetime of comic tragedy. We gain, only to lose it all, for we take nothing with us, except the light within, that Divine spark, given to us when we breathe in our first breath from a God that appears to forsake us all right after. At least, for yours truly, He hath forsaken me, but only because I forsake Him, long long ago, screaming through the trees, like a howling banshee, so young, but so old in the body of a child. Why did I do that? Why did I do that?

I have no answer, & I gave no offer of an olive branch, for I only gave unto myself, with no thought of creation, only savage destruction. It’s easy to destroy, the darkness makes it easy, so simple to facilitate destruction. One must only light a fire, & watch the dry forest burn into a maelstrom of tornadic infernos, yes, to destroy, is as easy as the finger to the match-tip, but to create, now that takes something, doesn’t it? Creation is a combination of dedication, passion, & strength, the strength to wield a fiery sword of righteous virtue, for the sake of manifesting what was once not in front of you. To manifest, is only the beginning, & then one must embrace perseverance, to watch in wonder, as the tree grows from sapling to a mighty oak, branches stretching toward the heavens, as an homage to the Creator Himself, roots firm in the earth, needled arms outstretched to the Sun. The tree must be nurtured, tendered, kept clean from the many bugs & parasites & invaders, come to destroy what one has birthed. The destroyers, those killer destroyers, as I spoke of, relentlessly chasing the innocence, burrowing in every exposed pore on the soft skin, like a cancer, these rotten decayers. Oh yes, it is as a task given to a new employee, to destroy, but to create, takes the seasoned hand of a master woodworker.

My my, my mastery of the hand has evolved into some new creature, a creature that once crawled, yet now runs, like the poor man that ran the first marathon, only to deliver his message, then die at the feet of those who were waiting for the mail to arrive on time. I suppose I must write write write, writing as much as I can whittle, into my own great tree, like the initials of young lovers, before a time comes where the ease of which these words word themselves, leaves me, & my hands turn from red to blue to at last grey, then back to bones, & then to dust. What a self-surreality, to ponder the leaving of the suit, this suit of pumping blood & church organs, pipes to the ceiling, bellowing out life & love & sacred geometry, imperfectly perfected in the image of a Creator we never see, yet heard in the whip of a wind that always blows the trees, dancing side to side as they do. The time has now come once again to wrap this up. Until next time dear readers, find a tree, your own Giving Tree, rest your bare feet upon its roots, touch the tree, ground yourself, become One with the Earth, & the Creator, Source. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Find yourself a Giving Tree, & become one again with Source.” Fish F Fish 🎏

Salad Days

I’ll give anyone $1000 who knows what the title “Salad Days” alludes to? Of course, if you do know, that $1000 will be an I-O-U, but nonetheless, most people wouldn’t even come close to guessing an answer. It’s a Shakespearian idiom, & it refers to that shining time of one’s youth, when you’re full of vigor & innocence & life seemed impossibly possible. For yours truly, it was skating the city streets on an island in the South Pacific, all night long, all alone, just riding my board below the all-night neon lights, hair blowing in the wind, the industrial smell of the city stuck in my big Grecian nose. Oh that smell, that savory stink, of concrete & underground sewers & shops that were only open at night, with wafting fragrances of 24-hour food joints occasionally mixing in, I loved it. It’s a smell you can only smell in a city, & if I close my eyes, I can recall it all, particularly the feeling, oh that sweet sweet feeling, that free-falling feeling of freedom. No thoughts of money, or work, or payments past due. No anxieties about the responsibility of life, no God-damned stress, no nothing, but the bliss of being not only young, but young at heart.

Yeah, those were my salad days, or rather, my salad nights, & as hard as I try, I can’t think of a time when I was happier. Just me, my skateboard, my empty pockets, the night, the city, the salt in the air, before my blood became salty with the wicked ways of this savage world. Sure, I had troubles, deep-rooted troubles from disturbing events that plagued me in my earliest years, but those were buried, buried deep, & as long as my wheels rolled, & my axles ground, & my board slid, none of it mattered. Those dark events wouldn’t resurface until much later in life, & as far as was concerned, all I had was the night, & it was all I ever needed. I wish I could ride those streets for an eternity, the same streets, and/or some dreamscaped sculpted version of streets similar, just riding & riding, dopamine flowing through my pumping legs, all night through the long night with the full moon high, an endless night in an unending race to nowhere. I had such skills then too, good enough to never fall unless I was trying something new, but if I was just cruising, I could stay on my board like I was glued to it.

Nowadays, I’d bust my ass just getting on one. Surprisingly, the muscle memories are still there, STILL there, but the body & the brain just don’t add up anymore. Had I kept up with it, as is with most, I’d be as good as I was, & I could still ride through the city at night, but again, as is with most, the crushing reality of real life landed on my face like a jumbo jet, & all the everyday struggles of these unescapable responsibilities that come with growing up, overtook my trip. I still have a skateboard, but the dust on the grip tape sticks to it better than I can, & I look at it sometimes, with a motley crew of cursing inner voices, beckoning me, laughing at me, tormenting me, as I cannot go back, ever, back to that time, that magical time, except in my mind. I’ve even had a dream now & again of being back on that skateboard, back in that sweetly stinking city, back in the twilight, as if it COULD be forever, & then the alarm goes off, & I wake up to go back to the timecard, punching that proverbial clock, like the elevator drones in the movie Metropolis, on the slow march to a slow death. The only salad left in these days is the soggy one that you take to your lunch break, the one you’re barely even able to finish before the prison bell clang clang clangs to get back to work.

It’s so surreal to remember your past; it’s almost as if you weren’t even there in a way, just watching. Your entire life, from this fleeting moment right now, back to your youth, just a memory, like a film reel, & it’s just gone, gone forever. Of course these days, we can record everything, record the past, to relive it on our phones & computers, which makes it that much bittersweet when you look on those times, doesn’t it? Quite a remarkable process, isn’t it?…capturing the past, on a little box that you can carry around, all summed up in gigabytes. The amount of said gigabytes, is how much of the past you can store, & most people don’t think twice about how God damn remarkable that is, just to be able to do that. Capturing time, trapping time in a box, to relive whenever you want, with the flick of a wrinkling finger, what a world, what a strange & fascinating world, this world of technology. It’s a shame that the powers-that-be use it against us, isn’t it? If only the human race could all share in the relatively unlimited abundance we all deserve, how far we could go. What a shame, & until next time dear readers, be sure to live, LIVE your time, instead of putting it all into a box for later. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Live your time, instead of capturing it for another day.” Fish F Fish🎏