It’s a Simp World After All

ATTENTION: Mixtape mayhem at the end…the FisH™abides 🐡🔪🍣

Dah-dahda-dahhhhhh…”Unleash the SIMMMMMPS!”…they proclaimed, albeit unspoken. Nope, that phrase was never actually exclaimed, but they sure did, didn’t they? My, my, my how the simp army has grown over the last decade or two. Thanks to online dating, the ENTIRE dynamic of relationships between men & women has been fucked(pun intended), & I say that literally & figuratively. Hook-up culture has completely ruined any hope of someone virtuous finding another virtuous person. If you could buy a used car or a new car for the same price, which would you pick? I know, I know, the “used-car analogy” has been thrown out enough by now to almost squash the novelty, but personally, I still think it’s an accurate analogy. Not familiar? Here it goes: every man a woman sleeps with is the equivalent of a car with 10,000 miles on it. For example, if a girl sleeps with 20 guys, that’s analogous to a vehicle with 200,000 miles of wear & tear. Would you buy that hunk of junk? No, you wouldn’t, at least you assume you wouldn’t; but enter the “simp.” Yes, that silly simp steps in, & treats her like the queen bee she is, right? Derp…(Fart Noise)…yeah right. Maybe tell that slag to kick rocks, that’s the move to make, but nope, they “love” her, & would do anything for their girl, so brave, so stunning, that’s what a “real man” would do, yes? Ummm, no…NO, NO, NO, NO, NO…STOP…just STOP, stop the simping right now. Do they stop though? Nope, & the proverbial “games,” just keep getting played, simps begging for yumyum, while girls hold it over their heads like carrots.

Unless it’s Chad of course, then the script flips, & the GIRL becomes the simp, or maybe call her “simpette,” since she’s a girl. I’m not letting go of the natural masculine/feminine attributes as they arise. Fuck you non-binary, there-are-174-gender freaks. Seriously…FUCK YOU, fuck your stupid pronouns, I am, & I have, & I will continue to call you as I see you. If you’re a dude, guess what?…I’m gonna abide by my initial perspective that YOU ARE A MAN, so expect a “dude,” or a “bro,” or a “guy,” or a “man,” because that’s reality you LARPing mental patients. SO OVER IT, over the Clownworld crap. YOU CAN”T CHANGE DEFINITIONS, YOU CANNOT CHANGE LANGUAGE TO FIT YOUR PSUEDO-NARRATIVES, YOU CANNOT ALTER REALITY FOR YOURSELVES FOR FUCK’S SAKE. Sheesh with the maddening madness already. It’s so insane, that it’s insanity on my end to even have to illustrate this ridiculousness for all of you, dear readers. Seriously, right off the fucking cliff with the “woke” bullshit & again, I’M OVER IT. You weirdos can honk honk honk me all day, & I won’t budge a Planck length. Ever. Deal with it. Big tech has already cancelled my black ass, so what’s left? Oh yeah, their buddies in the Ponzi-schme crypto sector took all my life savings, everything I’ve ever earned, all gone, so again I ask, what’s left? What’s next for FisH? I have nothing left, NOTHING, you all robbed me blind, in every way imaginable, & are going to get away with it, & there’s nothing I can do to change it. I’m just another clueless dunce stuck in The Great Mouse Trap like all of you.

Was I ever a simp? Oh HELL YES I was, & still am in a way. Oy vey, looking back on my simpery makes me wanna puke, ugh. I’ve done SO MUCH trying to win over girls, the proverbial bending-over-backwards for the ladies, & all for what? Countless failed toxic relationships, no kids, just an abysmally lame history of simping versus un-simping, which leads to chaos, & ultimately, you end up alone typing gibberish on your computer to a global audience that could care less. What a life. Wunderbar. Why though, why such instability? Is it me? Duh, of course it’s me, because ultimately girls like real men, not narcissistic fraudsters like my wanker self. Yep, the big fraud, just a stupid kid with a smart-ass mouth, STILL, & that’s about all it adds up to. I’m nothing to look up to, I never was, & never will be. Kind of surreal that I’m even still here. All my friends are dead, dead & gone, lost to addiction, as I have been countless times. I’m literally the only one left, a former junkie, a former “man” really, as at this point, I’m just a shell of what I used to aspire to be. “Aspire,” I say, because I never made it. Nope, I saw the mountain, I started to climb, made it to Basecamp One, then got high with the locals on some Tibetan mad honey& quit climbing. Not only did I quit climbing, I descended back down the mountain. Or maybe I fell back down…yes, that analogy is more functional here. I fell, & fell hard, my fall becoming a snowball, & that snowball just keeps growing as I go down…down, down, down, back to rock bottom I guess, minus the drugs this time though. Nope, no drugs this round, it was all just me, the failed failure.

Nope, no drugs, just the instinctive loser in me playing out his loser role. Some of us can never win, ever. I feel like this inclination is common amongst the simp legion, this notion that we will NEVER win, ever, & we won’t, we don’t, & that’s just how it is. I suppose I am STILL a simp. Yep, this idiot that’s typing this gibbering gibberish right now, is a simp, still the simp, never going to not be a simp. Despite my wordsmithing, my silver tongue, ultimately it’s true, as true as the daily sunrise, I AM A SIMP. Simp, simp, simparoo, look in the mirror you fucking fuck(talking to myself), look at you, you crooked-nosed jackass, do you seriously think you have what it takes you vertically-challenged street-hustler? Look at you. Nope, sorry, can’t do it. I don’t like looking in mirrors much anymore. How can you, when you despise what you see, what you’ve become, how can you even look at yourself you asshole? Good question, thanks for playing. Well, the answer for me is that I don’t, not if I don’t have to. It’s like looking at a rare old book, except the book has numerous pages torn out, a broken spine, graffiti all over the remaining pages, just ruined. What was once novel, is now just an old wasted book. Always was just a poorly-written book, an aged out-dated story for children in juvenile hall, & that’s it, that’s my unfortunate reality, the one I wake back up to every day.

Thanks Jordan Peterson…& no I’m not being sarcastic, that’s an honest “thanks,” as sincere as I can ever be. It’s a big THANKS, for waking me up to my own failed existence. Can’t deal with it unless you acknowledge the truth, your own truth, which I did, via his online course for “self-authoring.” It hurts, hurts a lot, but it has to hurt like this to help I guess, at least that’s the end goal, right? By writing, writing down your past, you expose your own self-realizations about who you truly are. It just comes out when you write, if you stick to the program, & what comes out, is the TRUTH, despite how revolting and/or damning it is, it IS the truth, YOUR truth, the one YOU live with, same as my silly self does. There’s no arguing truth, you just have to accept it, which can be exceptionally difficult, especially when it’s YOUR own individual truth, respectively. My truth, is my truth. Your truth, is YOUR truth. Can you accept your own truth? Have you even found it yet? I’ll link to Jordan’s website below for you. Maybe it’s time, YOUR time, to find YOUR own truth? Only YOU can answer that question, not me. I found mine, & regardless of how deep the stinger went into my thin dry skin, I MUST accept my truth. The truth about me, the truth about me, the truth about me is that I’ve lived a life of a loser, with little diamonds in the sand on a losing loser’s beach, little clue diamonds, little helpers from Divinity, & all I had to do was see them, & collect them, & learn about myself to grow as a man, but I didn’t. Nope, I just watched the diamonds shimmer in the sun, as I drowned myself in a shallow sea. The loser, the simp, the ignorant pseudo-narcissist, always about me, me me me, until one day you’re middle-aged & you do a writing course online that cleverly opens you up to yourself, you TRUE self, via Dr. Jordan Peterson, & you just snap out of it, like a light-switch, turned from “off,” to “on,” finally. Here’s the link to his website below, as promised. I try to keep my word always, the little things & such, know what I mean? All one can do at this point, when they’re middle-aged with the starkly grim realization that you fucked your whole life off. Is what it is I suppose, right? Is that what I’m supposed to say? I didn’t know I was “supposed” to say anything, who makes these unwritten rules anyway?…but I digress. Click this link below, it might save whatever life you have left, at least a much as one can save a life lost to loserdom & simpery & just cluelessly self-oriented shenaniganerosity.

Click HERE to Find YOUR Truth

It’s pathetic really, but for what it’s worth, I’m glad I know at least. What does it mean to be a totally self-aware loser? I don’t know, I’m illustrating it in real-time for you right now. Do I sound like I have a fucking clue? About anything? That’s weird, because I don’t. Nope, all there is, is this, whatever this is that I’m doing right now. Blah blah blah, just barfing out wordisms for all of you, & for none of you. Not even my quote, it’s a paraphrasing of something Nietzsche said. As genius as he was, he was also a simp, just like me. He let his instincts destroy him, his internal instinctive nature to love women, he let it run wild, & ultimately, it broke him. Ironically, right around the same age I am right now. Maybe it’s my time, my time to break. Why not?…I’m already walking on a tightrope just to function in “normal” society, so maybe I should just let the dam break, & let the torrents flow through the crumbling dyke that once held these waning waters back. Is that what I just did, did I “let the water flow?” Nah, it’s only a little leak, the dam is still up, for now anyway. Leaks eventually become floods though, so the clock ticks…tick tick tick, as 4d time plows forward, spiraling ever faster toward a shadowy future. Sure, I’d like to be positive, optimistic, hopeful, hoping that one day I will wake up in the morning & say to myself, “all of it was worth it, look at yourself, what a great guy,” but that surly pragmatist on my other shoulder chimes in with the hard truth. I’m a loser, I’m a simp, I failed, just a lame duck joke now. It’s all just been a B-list movie, as I continuously struggle/d to find myself, STILL, even at my middle-aged age.

All I got is my words, & a micro-thin string of faith left in myself. Not completely drained, but the gas light is on as I run on the fumes of failure. The gas light has been on in fact, on for awhile, right in front of me, lighting up the dashboard, as it needs more gas. Just a few more miles left, then a sputter, then the engine dies & my car sits on the side of the road, with a big orange sticker that says, “In two days this car will be impounded.” All I need is more gas, but the gas station doesn’t trade hard-copy drivel like this, for more gas unfortunately. The engine growls, yearning, for more gas, more life, more time, but there is none of the above, not for me anyway. I don’t know. Fuck it, the answer for everything in the world of the wasted, just “fuck it.” Who cares anyway? No one, so fuck it, right? Fuck it, fuck it all I guess. Doesn’t matter. Until next time dear reader, find your truth & live your true life. Don’t waste it all like yours truly. So sayeth FisH™🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all. 🐟

“Self-loathing is nauseating.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Your truth is the truth.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Find your truth & live your true life, don’t truly waste it.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

“Dude is simpin like a mixtape.” ~Fish F Fish🎏

👇🏻🍥Gemini & Leo below, cheers to Helado Negro🍥👇🏻

Fresh start
Hold my hand all the way now
Wake up
Everyone’s singing outside

Asked you
We can stay all day, who cares
Lying down
It’s our dream to stay all day when we know
Nobody cares
And nobody needs to know what we’re doing here

Gemini and Leo
Dancing on the floor all night
Gemini and Leo
Dancing on the floor all night

We can move in slow motion, just watch me
We can take our time in cosmic balance
We’re just light from stars that shine on planets
Constellations of our love and magic

Oh, take me
To your galaxy now
Oh, show me
How you orbit around my mind
Takes a little bit of time
To know just how to be with you

Gemini and Leo
Dancing on the floor all night
Gemini and Leo
Dancing on the floor all night

Gemini and Leo
Dancing on the floor all night
Gemini and Leo
Dancing on the floor all night

The Fooze: S1 E23 1/23/2023 Capturing Past

Isn’t it fascinating that the past is gone, in real-time, gone forever, never going back…but…technology has figured out a way to capture time itself, via all of our cameras, the past all being recorded, how surreal is that when you stop & think about it, ya know? All of our collective memories, i.e. the past, all able to be seen and heard & experienced again & again, & one can only wonder, if one should continue to wonder, what sort of effect that has on our respective consciousnesses. It’s exceptionally easy to get stuck, stuck in your past, reliving said past, in your present though, which for many of us, is in the trough of a wave, way down at the bottom, & still going downhill. It is clearly NOT a good time for many of us, myself included, which is why I mentioned how easy it can be to get “stuck,” stuck in your own good times from yesteryear, when your life was relatively good, & things seemed to be coming together for you finally perhaps, & you had options, what happened? What happened to those good times? Why are they lost in the past, those good times, while we struggle in the present, toward an ever-darker future, why? Where did it all go? Why did the road have to turn this way, where did the interstate go, how did you get lost in some dead-end cul-de-sac in Silent Hill? This was NOT supposed to happen, yet here you are, & apparently, it is what it is & that’s the way it is & NOTHING you, or I, or any of us peasants can do to change a fucking thing.

The ship is sinking, fast. We smashed into that Titanical iceberg back when Harambe was murdered. Yes, I know how weird & random that sounds, but I think it’s a plausible possibility. Think about the timeline, he was killed on May 28, 2016, now think, think about what was happening at that same exact time, Trump was the Republican nominee for POTUS, running against that heckletwat Hillary Clinton(speaking of murderers, but I won’t digress on the 60+ person Clinton body count). That was obviously the biggest news, the upcoming 2016 presidential election, but what else was happening? Let’s list some major events, shall we?

~The Black Lives Matter/Blue Lives Matter divide-and-conquer strategy was unleashed upon the populous. Thanks CIA for helping that Hegelian Dialectic play out to perfection, as it fiercely divided, & continues to divide, this once great nation. All part of the bigger agenda, that long game, problem, reaction, solution, split the populous so they have no unity & are this, much easier to control. This isn’t the first time your leaders have orchestrated such things, & I assure you, it will not be the last time either.

~ The 2016 Summer Olympics were in full swing, & again, the CIA strikes. The CIA is just another alphabet agency for the globalist cabal at the tippy tip-top of the proverbial pyramid, but often their “go-to” option when they need the real shadowy dark arts missions to be carried out & accomplished. Fortunately, this one failed. Remember zika, the zika virus, the virus that made babies have big Fetterman heads, oh my it was so threatening, except it wasn’t, & like I said, FORTUNATELY nothing much came of it, unless the CIA was just using it as a data-collecting test run before they let Covaids loose on the global population. The Olympics were going on that summer in Brazil, which has a climate that is very conducive to diseases with all the humidity & warm air & such. Their plan was to release mosquitoes that carried zika virus at the Olympic Games, creating a planned pandemic, a plandemic, if you will, & from the main infection point at the summer Olympic Games, all the attendees would carry the virus back to their respective countries & infect everyone. Clearly, this entire plan failed, other than the data collection, which I’m sure was used to plan the next fake scamdemic, this Covaids nonsense, & now they have more-than-enough data to unleash the newest man-made population-control bioweapon, which is really going to have people dropping dead, which has already happened, & is getting more widespread by the day with these deaths due to SADS. The pseudo-jab for the pseudo-virus contained the ingredients for the aforementioned apocalypse of people dropping dead everywhere en masse, so yes, the next plandemic has already begun, only they won’t admit it yet. Soon however, they will have no choice, when in fact millions & millions of sheepishly naive people who took that jab, start dying in numbers they cannot squash via their fake news media outlets. I hope I’m wrong, I really do, I’ll lose a lot of people if this inclination comes to pass, & so will everyone. I cannot deny what I am seeing happening in real-time, with more & more people dropping dead, every day, more & more. I cannot deny my own critical-thinking skills, especially when the target is so visible, I can see the wrinkles on its forehead. The road to 2030 is going to get bumpy, soon & fast, so buckle up buttercups & best of luck.

~We also had the nightclub shooting, sparking off all the LGBT whining, almost as if on cue. Yes, 2016 was when all these minority fringe groups collectively seemed to decide all at once to upgrade their acronyms & start screaming, “OPPRESSION, OPPRESSION,” to everyone that would tolerate listening to them. I’d say it was the beginning of the snowball, a snowball that has now Katamaried into a some kind of social justice, Frankensteinian freak show that has bled into all social media, all forms of entertainment, Hollywood went berserker mode with this insanity, & now everyone is gay & diverse & gender-free, it’s just so fucking bizarre, & the worst part is that it KEEPS GOING, it keeps getting worse, because no one ever stands up tot he madness & says, “NO!” Just “NO,” fuck you, I don’t have to cater to your mental disorders, none of us do, so why don’t you self-entitled liberal lunatics knock it the fuck off already. NO ONE CARES, no one, YOU are a minority, & your feelings mean Jack Beanstalks to me. A guy murders a bunch of people at a gay bar, probably a CIA operative, so once again, hello CIA you corrupt sinister scumfucks, but the guy kills the gays, suddenly EVERYONE wants to kill gays because we hate them that much & blah blah blah, & they took the inch & ran a God damn marathon with it, & they’re still running with this bullshit, like Forrest Gump, just keep running, because again, NEVER consequences, NO ONE says anything because they don’t wanna be labeled a bigot, so Crazytown just keeps adding new residents, which would be fine, if Crazytown was far, far away. Unfortunately, Crazytown has become Everytown in this faltering farce of a country. A perfect divide, programmed liberal monkeys on the left wing, stuck in their Marxist psychosis, & the right wing, the ones who want & miss the USA that once was, the USA of the 50s & 60s, when we were the coolest kid in school. Now, we’re just the 5th-year senior, that failed again, so soon-to-be the elusive 6th-year senior, the loser of losers. Once cool, now just the fool, a rainbow-haired, size 44 skinny-jean-wearing, morbidly obesian, arrested developmental fool.

~ Then of course, there was BREXIT, which I personally could care less about, but still dominated the headlines, which kind of… aroused awareness, you could say, to globalism, the new world order, all that jazzy jazz. The red pills went into mass production, like Pez, & in response, the globalists who own big tech started The Great Purge. Yep, this was precisely the time when the concept of “free speech” went off the rails as social media companies started banning users left-&-right for “hate speech.” NEWSFLASH: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HATE SPEECH FOR FUCK’S SAKE. Am I in the God damn Twilight Zone? Seriously? This isn’t China, not yet anyway, & here, HERE IN THE USA, we have UNLIMITED free speech, allegedly. I should be able to say whatever I want, when I want, talking about any topic I want to talk about, MY choice, MY speech, if you don’t like it, use YOUR free speech, or fuck off back to your warm blankey-blanket in your safespace. This “hate speech” crap & these banning over said “hate speech,” are fucking ridiculous. THIS, this right here, is arguably “hate speech,” under their new guidelines. Fuck you big tech & fuck you CIA for helping them, oh &fuck you for monitoring me(yes, I’m well-aware you dummies…derp). Anyway, you were supposed to ALWAYS have a voice here, ALWAYS, as long as what you exclaim is NOT a “call to action,” like that age-old proverb from Confucius, “Do NOT yell ‘FIRE’ in a movie theatre,” also known as common fucking sense, another lost concept in the present-day zeitgeist, but I digress. Yours truly, banned more than anyone else I know. Not an exaggeration, the “Big 4” exiled me from the virtual town square, then threw me into my own cell in solitary in the digital gulag, which is where I still am to some extent. I’ve been in here so long, I even have a little fish carved into the wall in my one-man, single-man meta-prison. The Great Purge is/was quite real, & now with the divine assistance of the AI, the censorship is worse than ever, but that’s not all. The AI has been data mining this whole time. Yep, & it knows you, yes YOU, all of YOU, knows you all in a way that no human knows you. All of your emails, your texts, your DMs, your IMs from back in the day, your images, your videos, your art, everything you;ve ever done within the interwebs, the AI knows, & adapts that data into its own “sentience.” The AI is WAY more advanced than 99.75% of you can imagine, so much so that I think the globalists are using it to make moves, using it like a “God,” but in the way they define “God,” not the way I do. The “God” in my world is about to wipe his ass with this humanity, flush it down his golden toilet with his morning turds, then start over agin with 2 of us in a heavenly garden. One man, one woman, except this time don’t let that crazy girl listen to a fucking snake, come on bro, keep an eye on her this round, where were you anyway while she was talking to a God damn snake? I would’ve noticed & had issue with such an encounter if I came up on it, just sayin, but let’s continue.

Here’s my banned list:

Twitter: Banned OVER 60x on record, now uses facial recognition to keep me in the digital gulag, tested & verified. For what did they ban me? My GIF animations, I’m also a troll destroyer, but mainly for my art, very Orwellian, yes?

Facebook: Banned years ago, won’t let me completely delete my banned account though unless I verify my identity…why is that? Total CIA surveillance apparatus, the main hub, you could say. Also quite Orwellian, yes?

Instagram: On my 2nd channel, since they took my 1st one, which had thousands of friends & 1000s of posts, all gone, & why? Also, my art. I must mention this too, whenever people come at me with negativity in my comment section, I use MY words, instead of being a pussy, to take them to school, then pick them back up, then leave them at the garbage dump. Imagine that, someone verbally attacks you, you engage, you WIN said battle, with words & logic, then the loser reports you to their big tech single mommy Karen, who then bans me, see how that works? Same formula for the “Big 4,” which brings me to the last of the “Big 4.”

Youtube: This is the best one of the 3 previous, even better than my many bans on Twatter, as far as the banning that cut the deepest. Youtube videos, for me, take A LOT of work. I do animations, animations take a lot of time, videos in general take much longer than a Twitter, Facebook, and/or Instagram post, but if you’re an animator like me, particularly a very meticulous one, a 1-minute video could take 2-3 days. So much time, so much work, so many hours, my first channel had over 300 videos, a few thousand followers, nothing special, never got monetized, but my followers liked what I id & I was steadily growing. I started my first Youtube channel in 2012, that glorious summer of 2012. then 2016 came, & The Great Purge, & it all hit at once, like a tsunami of black-robed priests chasing wicked witches, they just slaughtered me, all my channels, all my social media, all my content, REEEEEEEEEEE, BOOM BOOM BOOM, GONE GONE GONE, one after another. The Twitter thing got to the AI-facial recognition level of banning for me, Facebook was dead to me before 2016, but it still would NOT let me delete my BANNED channel until I sent them identity verification, as if I would, fuckin idiots. They already know me I know, especially the AI, the AI has a special folder for Fish methinks fo sho, but still, I’m not taking a picture of my driver’s license and/or passport & sending it to Facebook so they can delete me. How retarded is that? If I wasn’t banned, & wanted to delete my page, but had to send them identity verification first, how weird would that be? That’s the way it be though. My Instagram was still strong, & my 1st IG channel weathered the initial storm, but eventually, they kept smashing my sailboat with Japanese scroll-painting-inspired AI waves until I couldn’t;t stay afloat anymore. That’s an unnecessarily over-illustrated way of saying one warning after another, after another, then a strike, then another warning, then a 3-day vacation, then more warning, another strike, on & on & on this went with Instagram & I honestly thought they’d never ban me because my channel wasn’t big, but it wasn’t small either, & I was getting averagely dependable traffic. Ultimately, it mattered not to the big tech overlords, & FINALLY, they squashed my 1st Instagram channel, so it was down to my Youtube, my visual mini-opus, in conjunction with my website, all I had left to work with. An upcoming company called Bitchute was gaining popularity. Almost exactly like Youtube, Bitchute offered all the same features, minus the absurdly overkill censorship Youtube was falling in line with to unleash upon its content creators. I have to mention Bitchute right now, because there’s an important part of this “story of my bannings” that involves Bitchute, which I will mention later. For now, for the purposes of this narrative, all you need to know is Bitchute was now in the game.

Now I’m down to my YouTube channel. It’s 2017ish by now, & Im banned from 3 of the “Big 4,” just Youtube & Fish left. Did I stop & think to maybe censor my art, & follow these new “guidelines” so I don’t hurt someone’s feelings? FUCK NO. Fuck you Pootube, get the fuck outta here with that nonsense, now I’m gonna really push the envelope, which I did, on sheer principle alone, because I’d rather go out guns blazing, fighting for my own sovereign freedom, then cave in in ANY way to these corrupt globalist dick-sucking big tech nerd losers. Go fuck yourselves wit your pocket protectors back at the Tri-Lambda house already. This is why nerds don’t deserve power, because they get it via means that aren’t noble & just, thus once they attain said power, they misuse it for ultimately nefarious & self-serving purposes. Why do they do that? They’re nerds. true nerds, untreatably socially-awkward because of their own insecurities, eternally vengeful to those that have social grace & strength of character that beta losers lack, physically they carry inferior weakness because exercise hurts their fragile bodies; fragile body, fragile mind, but they have no will to strengthen themselves, & once they get their hands in the golden gloves & take the reigns of power, it’s the beginning of the end, as they miserably fail to bring their askew world views into fruition. The unfortunate part for us, is that when they go down, their wrath will impel them to take us down with them. Remember, these nerds have power now, they have gravity, & when a large mass collapses in on itself, nerd or not, the gravity of its own power will pull everything around it down with it. The more power, the greater the radius, the more gravity, the more that gets pulled down with them. Like a nerd black hole, but for the 3rd time I think, I digress.

Oh yeah, so my 1st Youtube channel, I quickly caught a strike, then another, so I’m riding 2 strikes, one more & I’m terminated. What does Fish do? I made video using screenshots of my strikes, along with some colorfully vulgar animations to express my distaste for these nonsensical Ministry of UnTruth guidelines prescribed by these big tach twats. Yes, it wasn’t a long video, but I made sure to verbally orate every word that you were;t supposed to say apparently. I wager the AI was already well-along by then, because only AI could detect spoken words that weren’t allowed, then the big tech twats could use that AI tech to squash anyone who dared to speak the forbidden words in their content. It makes me wanna puke now when I see Yotubers avoiding the words. Words like “covid,” “rape,” “faggot,” if you say the words, the AI gets you. Algorithms are the AI, the AI is being used by big tech, I’m certain of this, & much more than you know, like I already said. Regardless, they finally terminated me, & for a brief spell, I had nothing, nothing at all. All my content that wasn’t backed up was in digital oblivion, all except this, this site you’re reading right now. THIS, is the ONLY original channel I created that made it through the storm. I forgot to mention they got me on GIPHY too, a site for specifically GIF animation uploads only. Nothing spoken, no sound at all, GIFs don’t have sound, but even my “imagery” was deemed “hateful,” & they stop letting me upload onto my 1st GIPHY channel. They didn’t take my content, I just couldn’t log in and/or upload anymore. Also, they systematically removed hundreds of my GIFs, leaving me about 1/4th of what I had initially uploaded. Those can take a lot of time too. I can crank out quick ones, but may magical artsy ones take a day or two sometimes. It’s not easy work, it takes time, but these big tech twats don’t care. Just squash the ones who refuse to obey, like they don’t even exist. Psychopathy much? All part of that nerd syndrome. Brave New World had a few things right I think, yes?

All my channels gone now, minus this, my opus, my website here, but everything else, gone. Had to keep making my videos though, so a new YouTube channel I created. This time however, I backed up every video on Bitchute, just in case, & back to work I went, rebuilding my YouTube content on my 2nd channel. It grew, just kept working, grinding, cranking out that content, backing it up on Bitchute. I created my talk show, Fish Talks™, a clever idea I came up with. I am Fish, a man with a fish head, & I interview “famous” people. I do my talk show voice for the interview, AND I animate the mouth of my guest & do their voice as well, hence the origin of the title, Fish Talks™ , get it? I can interview ANYONE, literally, alive or dead, ANYONE, or anything for that matter, just gotta add an animated mouth, come up with a voice, & it’s on. Fun idea, so I put a lot of time into it. Of course, once it started getting really interesting, after 10 episodes or so, back came those digital inquisitionists, & 1,2, 3 strikes in a row, with the help of the AI connecting my 2nd channel to my 1st channel, I was out again. AGAIN. Gah, fuck these fuckin fucks. You have no idea, the frustration, losing your content, yet again, but luckily I had it backed up on Bitchute, right? Wrong. Even Bitchute, EVEN Bitchute, squashed all my content that I had backed up so it would NOT get squashed, since Bitchute was all about true “free speech,” yeah? Apparently not, & what they did was leave my thumbnail, the little still image from the video, they left that, only that’s all they left, so you can click the video, but nothing plays, even though the thumbnail is still there & it looks like you can watch my videos but nope, video gone, just left my thumbnails, like tombstones. Excellent analogy for my content creating career, just a cemetery, full of ghosts from the machines of the past, & as if on cue, could that be the circularity?

The past, yep, sure is, end to the beginning to the end yet again. Nowadays, I have my THIRD Youtube channel up. I’ll link it here, check it out if you want. I kicked off a 2nd season of my talk show, & for now, it’s all still up, no issues yet, but my content creation on YouTube has been stagnant as of late, because I am just focusing on this, this ONE thing I created that’s still here. If it wasn’t;t, Id be a bloated, rotting dead fish, figuratively of course. This is around 4000 pages of my work. If you go back a ways, you can see where they banned me, so many of my uploads, just error screens now. I back all of this up on a flash drive too, so they can never totally take this from me. They CAN take my animations, but they can NEVER take my words, & one of these days, I’m going to print out all 4000 of these pulsing pages I’ve illustrated onto hard copy, so I’ll always have a tangible version of this opus I have created. If the power goes out, so does the Internet, & no one really realizes how insanely fragile the power grid is. Not surprising really, all these wires everywhere, still, almost 100 years later, am I the only person who thinks that this setup is ridiculously primitive, probably deserving a serious technological upgrade by now, like maybe all that free energy tech the globalists keep from us plebs? Look at all the wires next time you go out & about in your own neighborhoods, doesn’t that seem outdated? Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know, I don’t know anything, just another fish in the sea, like a monkey in a tree, swinging in the saucy sweet circles of the circularity.

The loop monkey, Harambe, the second he took his last breath, we all entered this diversion timeline we are all now stuck in. This is a wrong-line, not the right-line, the wrong train on the wrong track going the wrong way, but when they killed Harambe, we all got on this train, & what happens when the wrong train goes the wrong way? Eventually, the train will jump the track, & take all of us with it. Sadly, the ultimate pragmatist in me sees this as inevitable. Too much wrong, not enough right, too many finger painters, not enough sorcerers, nerds in charge, murdered monkeys, does this not all seem totally wrong to you all? Backwards, is it not all backwards? Nothing here seems right, not to me anyway, but like I say now ad nauseam, to remind you, but also to remind myself, I DO NOT KNOW, no idea what this is, not anymore, & my speculations have betrayed me too much at this point to keep speculating, so I’m just riding the wave. No goals, no ambitions, what for? There’s no future, not for you, not for me, not for 85-90% of the global population, conservatively, it’s all just a matter of time now. Time, the flushing-toilet of time, sucking it all down, if only they hadn’t killed that poor ape, sweet Harambe, friend of man, murdered callously by man, for no reason, but yet that singular event, had some kind of great dynamic, enough to completely skew the previous timeline into this Clownworld freak show circus upside-down bozo town, we’re all in now. Honk honk fucking honk. It’s hellish, but like I said, I’m just riding the wave now, hopefully all the way to some distant new shore, far away from this, whatever this backroom dimension is we all clipped into.

Harambe out, this time the serpent is the monkey, the monkey who lived & died, circled the big loop, but was so much more than a monkey. Much more than the humanity that slaughtered him anyway. Now we’re here. Wunderbar. What will the present, now the past, reveal as the grand toilet flushes? Soon enough, the bottom of the bowl will be here, then down the drain we go, monkey turds hidey-ho. Until next time, have a good one, until your next one.

For none of you, & for all of you.