The Fooze: S1 E15 January 15, 2023 Backroom Rubbish

More trash for my garbage pile of word filth. Gotta fulfill the daily Foozer, no matter what, & we got away with the placeholder yesterday, which I made up for & then some today with my tales of The Great Experiment. Only in my head though, right? Not real, nope, nothing real about any of that nonsense. Carry on & pay no attention, all of my average 20 readers a day. All 21 of us are just another bed in the nuthouse, don’t be deluded by these pseudo-grandeurs on this end, just the lunacy of a full-mooned wolf. Blah…where shall I take this diatribe? What spectacular “news” happened today of any actual noteworthy merit? Just looks to be yet another round of political theatre, HEAVY emphasis on the “theatre” part there, because that’s all those monkeys are, bad actors. Literal bad actors, but also actors of nefarious social inbreeding, soulless & psychopathic as they take full control of the entire planet. If one tried to escape, where could one go? Gotta have that money, money buys freedom, well it buys relative freedom anyway. How is that NOT enslavement? If you need money to buy your way to your own true sovereignty, then you are owned, & hence, a slave. Another debt slave to money in the Big Machine.

Is this natural? No, not at all. This reality couldn’t be more opposite of natural in fact. Very unnatural events are being orchestrated by extremely unnatural entities. To be honest, I’m not even sure if they’re human, at least not human like you or I might define that word. Reptilian shapeshifters…ehhh…I don’t know about that. I don’t believe it, but I don’t disbelieve it either. If a bunch of politicians revealed their true Sleestakian nature by way of special sunglasses that exposed their actual form in proper They Live fashion, & I had those sunglasses, & I used those sunglasses to witness with my own eyes the truth, I wouldn’t be surprised in the least. In all probability, I’d be more relieved than anything. Sure would explain a lot of the anomalies, that only I seem to notice, within the world around me. I’m not crazy enough to assume that I am totally alone in this matter, that would be grossly ignorant to think such a thing. However, we are most certainly few & far between at best. Between possible lizard people & real-life NPCs, it’s difficult to know what is what & who is who anymore if your eyes are really open. It’s strange…the deeper you go, the more holes are revealed, & the labyrinth doubles in size exponentially until you’re lost in your own mind maze of backrooms. Do you not know what “the backrooms” are? Oh my…such a fun rabbit hole, but sadly, just a hole, no real rabbits, backrooms are total fiction. NOT REAL.

It’s FUN fiction though, these backrooms & the accompanying lore. No one ever said fiction couldn’t be fun in real life, did they? It’s not the fiction, it’s the damned LARPing (Live Action Role Playing for the squares out there). It’s this LARPing that’s destructive. The utter lack of separation between the real & the unreal in modern culture is reflective in the disassociation that these LARPers display daily as they attempt to exist in said REAL reality with the rest of us. LIFE IS NOT A VIDEO GAME FOR FUCK’S SAKE. Duh.

Before I digress however, let me clue you all in on these backrooms. First, THE BACKROOMS ARE NOT REAL. NOT real, they do NOT exist in the real world. In dreams plausibly, because sure, anything can happen in dreams, but as far as I know, they do NOT exist. I do NOT know for sure, I do not NOT know for sure, I do NOT “know” anything for sure, but as far as I can surmise, in this current 3d space, “clipping” into sub-dimensions between this dimension is not possible in 3d space. 5d dream space, sure, as I said, but it is VERY important to distinguish the fact that the backrooms are NOT real, not here anyway. Got it? What I’ll do is link a video here that someone else made which details what these backrooms are all about. Again, THE BACKROOMS ARE NOT REAL, not here in our shared 3d space. Incidentally, this guy has a great channel with impressive information that isn’t so easy to find. Might be worth it for you to subscribe to this guy Wendigoon here. DYOR (Do Your Own Research)…live it, love it, breathe it, become it, find the truth for YOU, not for me, & not anyone else out here in the ether.

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Just CLICK the vid below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

To be fair, I was very captivated by this whole backrooms thing when I first discovered it. The reported “commonality” of these backroom stories I found to be quite intriguing, especially with many people dreaming such similar scenarios. Kinda spooky & yes, yes I know; I know you might want to believe the backrooms are really real, but they aren’t. Now as mentioned, I have had dreams where I have been in backroom-like scenarios, like many others have reported. Endlessly twisting Kubrickian hotel hallways with countless doors opening up to…opening up to…well fuck if I know, it’s not rooms they say, but there are usually a lot of monotonously repetitive doors in these abysmally unending hallways. No actual “rooms” behind the doors & they just open up to more hallways, but I suppose they could go anywhere, anywhere your sleeping subconscious mind can imagine, since you can ONLY go there in your dreamscape. Sorry to keep reiterating the stark fictionality of the backrooms legend, but people out there STILL think this is a real thing. Mind-blowing how easily so many of you are beguiled, but I digress as always, as if on cue.

There is the lore for the backrooms. What is lore? Lore is like the collective word-of-mouth sharing of the details of a specific legend, each contributor adding or editing to this collective knowledge about whatever the legend might be. Backroom lore mentions numerous stages and/or levels within the backrooms, with a wide range of macabre imagery accompanying each of these “floors” respectively. There doesn’t seem to be a “difficulty setting,” in the sense that the deeper you go into the darkrooms, it does NOT necessarily mean the “levels” become more treacherous to navigate. Oh wait, I didn’t mention the “entities” yet. Yes, of course, there are other beings in the backrooms should you happen to “clip” into them. “Clipping” is the act of falling out of this dimension & into the sub-dimension of the backrooms. That’s how one travels to this fake world, via clipping. Should you clip into the backrooms, you will soon discover that you are NOT alone there. There are various creatures roaming about in there, apparently some are good, but also apparently, most of them are out to get you, & not in a good way.

Reminds me of a movie I watched recently called Vivarium. Good flick. I recommend it. Got some interesting visual effects, & an actual “backroom” theme is introduced at a certain point in the film. I’m not gonna ruin it, just recommend you watch it. Nevermind what some un-artistic dolts might think, cinema is not dead, despite this “woke” nonsense being force-fed to everyone via the entertainment industry. More like the programming industry, literally, but we’ve discussed this. Regardless, there are STILL quality films, music, comedy, the arts, there’s still good stuff out there, you just have to wade through the stinking muck of social justice sometimes to find it. Anyway, check it out…Vivarium. There’s a chick in it named Imogen Poots. That’s her real name, not the character’s name in the movie. Can you imagine a childhood with that name? Yikes. Fortunately for her, her parents are wealthy media powerhouses, so her childhood was charmed like most other kids of the elites. Can’t blame them I guess for who they were born to, but it doesn’t seem like many elite children end up pursuing philanthropic endeavors when they reach adulthood. The ones that do, often it’s a self-serving “foundation,” so they can funnel money out the back door tax-free. Obviously I don’t know how true that is, as I am but a meager peasant, as destitute as the rest of you down here in Shantytown. Probably even more so at the present time, so don’t assume I have any inklings as to how the elites operate in their daily lives.

Today’s Fooze introduced some of you to the backrooms, maybe some of you to this site for the first time, maybe one of my 20 daily readers just popping in, perhaps none of you at all, doesn’t really matter does it? No one cares. It’s a lonely island at the bottom. Why even do this then? Good question. If the power ever goes out, this is all essentially meaningless, unless I print it all out in hard copy. Closing in on like 4000 pages now over this past decade, wowzers that’s a lot. It just grows over time I suppose, like a fungus. Maybe I need to do that though, maybe I DO need to print all of this drivel out onto physical paper. I would have a massive 4000ish page opus I guess. Certainly this is NOT a manifesto, not a testament, not a biography, so what the hell is this thing I have created? I write about many topics, many of any topics, anything is game, nothing is off-limits to me or my dear readers. I believe in ABSOLUTE free speech. If anything I ever say bothers you, maybe go fuck yourself & come back & try again, then when you fail, again, to rattle me in any way, you can fuck yourself, again. I can say what I want, whenever I want, & so can you. FREE SPEECH. Period. I’m not calling a God damn thing to action with my words. These aren’t swords, they are words, & despite the singular letter difference, words are not swords. Words will not hurt you, unless YOU let them hurt you, then that hurt YOU caused for YOU, is on YOU.

My niche, if you will, would be the addition of my animations. I make all of my own animations, then strategically, albeit randomly, insert them into my articles, for visual stimulation as you read what I have written. No one else I know does that, & no one will ever know that I do. So bittersweet, but such is this ridiculous roller coaster ride it appears. I don’t know, but my ramblings with my GIFs, I know it’s mine. If nothing else, I have that, & it is mine. I do know that at least. Beep beep…beep beep beep bop boop. My animation nation.

On that delightful little ender, that’s will wrap up today’s Foozer. It’s a backroom bonanza if you decide to go explore the lore of the backrooms. It would be fun if they were truly real, at least in my opinion it would be. Tired of being here in Clownworld? “Clip” yourself into the backrooms, whenever you want, & go exploring. Or monster hunting. Or mapping, mapping the backrooms, so others have direction if they happen to “clip” there as well. The odd thing is that this IS already “real,” but only in the lore. So these lore-writers write as though the backrooms were real, with “real-life” stories from the backrooms & such, it’s so bizarre, but entertaining. It’s amazing what people can be persuaded to believe is real, is it not? All just a theatre, as I mentioned in the opening paragraph, thus completing the circularity for this article. Never fails, my circularity always comes back around the roundabout for me. Love it…good times, & until next time, be good.

For all of you, & for none of you at all.