Raping the Pig

Fast Times at Kroger High

Oh-dee-doh-dee-doh whatever shall I write about? I don’t get writer’s block, per se, because if I ever need something to write, I just start writing out my thought process, like I’m doing right now, & POOF, no writer’s blockage anymore. The landslide is cleared from the highway, & traffic can now move freely again. I was going to write about the art of stealing food from the grocery store when times are tough. It’s easier than most think, & since most groceries stores are monopolized by one corporation, Kroger, the hustle is the same, as well as the weak security measures, along with the store policy that no employee can stop you if they catch you. It’s a handy skill, when times are tough, as they are now for most people, & since Kroger is another soulless corporate entity, I think everyone should be liberating as much as the can get from their local Kroger grocery store. Do hast thou will tho, of course, & I’m not telling anyone to do this, but then again, I kind of am, so let’s not mince words like I’m not, because yours truly abides the truth, & always will.

I brought this unusual topic up for a few reasons, & the first reason is because this rogue regime pseudo-government is endlessly printing money, & giving it out to everyone who is NOT an American, leaving the general population of our once great country in a sordid state of ever-increasing destitution, floundering paycheck to paycheck, barely getting by on the sub-meager slave wages they get taxed on, on top of taxing us on every fucking thing we buy. Taxation is theft, period, & although it’s NOT supposed to be the way it is, it is, so if the tax collectors are thieves, doesn’t stealing from thieves become a double negative of sorts?…& thus, not theft. Am I wrong? The second reason is that I think everyone should get an EBT/SNAP card to buy food with. Do you all realize how much gets wasted at the end of the day at the grocery stores? A portion goes to food banks, so people can stand in long lines for expired edibles, like some 3rd-world communist toilet country. It’s not only degrading, it’s down right insulting for any American to be forced to do this to feed their family, so instead, why not give EVERY American a food card, so all of that food doesn’t get wasted? Also, some goes to animal farms to be fed to animals, that we the people, in turn, eat, like some kind of barbaric cannibalistic cycle of life. Ugh, makes the stomach turn a bit, doesn’t it? The last reason, which is a bit of a stretch to define as a legitimate “reason,” but nonetheless, it’s because, fuck ’em. If they’re going to abide fake shortages, higher prices, & the most recent scam, charging 10 cents a bag to “save the planet,” after raising all the food prices no less, I will take every God-damned thing I can get for free from a corporation successfully maintaining a real-time monopoly on national food distribution. Changing the storefront name to King Soopers, or Harris Teeter, or whatever deceptive name Kroger uses in your respective towns to provide cover for their monopoly on the grocery store game, is not only obvious, it’s another slap in the face because it implies that Americans are too dumb to notice, so to put it bluntly, they can eat a big bag of dicks.

Moral of the story, as I mentioned earlier, is that stealing from thieves negates the theft, so if you’re worried about your conscience, & the whole “thou shalt not steal” Biblical decree, you can rest easy because you’re not stealing, you’re “liberating.” I wish I could steal from the same corrupt politicians who steal from all of us, oh man do I wish I could. I’d take every fucking penny they have, & then anything else I could grab. They steal from Americans all day, ALL OF US, every day, nonstop & they print money as needed, for THEM, not for US, not for We The People, & yours truly, for one, is sick & God-damned tired of it, so given the chance, I most certainly would rob them blind, just as they’ve done, & continue to do, to all of us. Sure, life isn’t fair, we all know this, but the crimes these elitist “ruling class” psychopaths commit without consequences, have made “life,” hardly worth living, haven’t they? Working one’s self to death at a job, or two jobs, or even three jobs for some, is not “living,” it’s dying, & although we’re all existentially dying, “living” only to die as an indentured servant, as a debt slave, enslaved to something as ridiculously revolting as fake paper I-O-U money, isn’t living, it’s slow suicide, the proverbial walking dead. Just because the prison planet machine programs most of you to believe that said money has value, it doesn’t, because it is backed by literally nothing, so it’s true “value,” rests only in good faith, which in the case of currency, is analogous to an oxymoron. Money must be backed by precious metals in order to have any value, as in a supply of precious metals equivalent to the money in circulation. The US dollar hasn’t been backed by precious metals since 1971, over 50 years ago, & since then, as I well-illustrated earlier in this paragraph, it has been backed by nothing, nothing at all.

Oh but we little mice chase it, don’t we? Gotta gets dat money…shoooooo, & so mice run through the proverbial mouse trap day after day after, chasing scraps left over by those so-called “ruling elites,” running left, right, left, right, doing whatever it takes to get paid, endlessly abiding the trap, The Great Mouse Trap, which they, your masters, have created for you for one thing: CONTROL. Keeping the figurative herd of us “regular folks” impoverished & destitute, keeps them living like royalty, but keeps YOU, & yours truly, controlled, like human cattle. Only give them enough to barely eat, & to pay the bills we levy upon them, so they cannot save up to buy their way into true financial freedom, ever, & they remain in charge, stealing power, stealing OUR power, so we can never unite to fight back & take what’s ours from them. Oh my though, here I go again with my diatribing, as is par for my little course here, so you know what time it is, if you are one of the handful of daily dosers who come to this site for your red-pills. Yes, it’s time to go, but only until the next article, which will be coming along shortly, on time, on my own deadline. Until next time dear readers, don’t let the monopoly deter you from taking back what they take from you. To steal from thieves, especially corporate thieves, is an act of merit in itself, just don’t get caught. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Stealing from thieves is analogous to a double negative.” Fish F Fish🎏