The Fooze: S7E10 7/10/2023 The Cocaine House

Yes, of course I’ve seen the latest news about cocaine found in the White House, & of course, we all know who’s it was. There’s footage of Hunter Biden right after the supposed discovery looking jacked as fuck, all bug-eyed & jerky, wiping his nose no less, reinforces all fingers pointing at his dumb ass as the culprit. Not to mention, right before the discovery, they released footage of that degenerate piece of shit driving 180 MPH to Vegas while showcasing his crack pipe. Just to be clear, there’s a definite distinction between crack & cocaine. It’s analogous to cane sugar & high fructose corn syrup, in that crack is the ultra-concentrated form of cocaine, as high fructose corn syrup is the ultra-concentrated form of sugar. Both are highly addictive as well, hence all the obesity in this “body positive” God-forsaken country of ours, but I digress, as this article is intended to be about the crackhead in the White House, not the fat people in this country. Yes, it’s quite a story, & quite a distraction, considering that since the news has centered in on this cocaine story, Hunter’s puppet-potato dad, Joe Biden, the frontman for the puppet master Barack Obama, sent cluster bombs to Ukraine, adding more fuel to the fire of World War 3, bringing us one step closer to a nuclear hot war with Russia. This is what the so-called “ruling elites” want, of course, global war, because they know they’ll be okay, while millions, maybe even billions, of people get vaporized as collateral damage if said World War 3 was to break out. Theatre, theatre, theatre, only with real-life consequences…for us, not them.

It’s just a matter of time at this point, as a global war could pop off today, tomorrow, next week, next month, but know this, there’s an exceptionally high probability that it’s going to happen, & right before election time too, what a coincidence, so this rogue government could utilize “emergency powers” to stall the next sham s-election in order to retain their power. Do you really think these soulless power-hungry scum are going to relinquish their stolen power when the next s-election comes? Of course not, but sadly, so many still believe that their vote counts for something. NEWSFLASH: IT DOESN’T. Nope, voting is as useless as the diapers Joe Biden wears, & the next round coming in 2024, will be utterly meaningless. They will install whoever they want, & for those of you on Team MAGA, naively betting that Trump is going to come back & save the world from this Deep State cancer, you might want to rethink the risk of putting all of your eggs into one orange basket. If something happens to OrangeManBad, the demoralization of half the country will be unprecedented, & the hopelessness that follows, will make you all much easier to control, which again, is what the powers-that-be want…total & absolute control. What better way than to remove their hero from the equation, know what I mean?

I’m not as dumb as I look though; I know full-well how shadowbanned I am, as well as how most people think I’m a raving madman for writing/saying the things I do, & since crazy people do not know they’re crazy, but I have self-awareness of my mental capacities, I know I’m not a mental patient, & thus, just have to sit back & watch with my proverbial popcorn as the things I know are coming come. It’s heart-breaking, more than any of you can possibly know, to watch this once great country die on the vine like the grapes in the vineyard of a dead vineyard keeper. It truly is, & I wish I could do something, I wish I could do a lot of things, but being a thought-criminal as well as a sane person in an insane world, has isolated me so far out onto an island unto myself, that no one will ever heed my words, nor abide my inclinations & forewarnings. Now, for the final paragraph, I will let these fingers fly as they may, as I take the exit ramp from the fake news highway, & let my stream of consciousness do its thing, as it does. It’s as much as the turn of a dial, finding a station, & drawing water from the well, from the ether, or perhaps as Plato stated, from the realm of pure forms.

I’m currently in a state of flux, on the road, in the middle of the country for a pit stop, in a lovely little town in Ohio. It couldn’t be more apple pie Americana here, American flags blowing in the breeze, nice suburban homes, well-to-do American families doing the things that they do in their small town. Not much crime, not much of anything dark, just people doing their best to live without the chaos of the world encroaching on their respective little bubbles. I take my walks, I notice everything, I admire the beauty, the trees gently blowing in the breeze, the lovely homes these families have built for themselves, & it makes me smile, albeit only for a fleeting moment, before I integrate the future terror that might befall the world if a hot nuclear war were to commence. I cringe inside, having the visualizations that I do, but nonetheless I do, I have them, terrible illustrations, picturing all of this real-life Norman Rockwell sublimity, destroyed in a mega-mushroom cloud, with the ensuing fallout blanketing the town, & the surrounding area. I think of the show The Walking Dead, & picture radiated humans, aimlessly zombie-walking around, with their minds gone, only shells of their former selves. I see the houses in a state of ruin, the streets covered in rubble, the wrecked cars, the corpses, the stores all looted & burned out, from the few lone survivors. Like I said, I don’t want to, but I do, I see the heart of this once-great nation torn into two, decaying lifelessly like a raw steak in the sun. It’s a sad way to see things, & although I’m quite aware that grimly picturing a dystopian post-apocalyptic hellsacape is a waste of thoughts & energy, my mind cannot help itself, considering what the pragmatist in me foresees coming. Oh this mind of mine, woe to this mind of mine.

No, one cannot exist in a future yet to come, nor dwell in a past that will never come again. It’s a redundant exercise of futility, but at least I have that self-awareness to self-realize what I’m doing, so it doesn’t overtake my daily reminder to always live in the present. The present, that ticks away second by second, that comes & goes so fast, so damn fast, is the only moment one can know is truly real. Many of us are stuck in our pasts or our futures, particularly the former, but many of us are not. It’s all just so chaotic, for life itself is a journey through chaos, is it not? One can only hope that The Great Creator will bring Divine order back to this 3d waking world of mass psychosis, because the state of the zeitgeist in the present, is sadly more disordered then it’s ever been. It all seems backwards, upside-down, a world where the malevolent reign, & the benevolent are unprecedentedly suppressed & ostracized, even as far as being exiled, as is yours truly. Yep, your narrator here is digitally exiled from the town square, as well as banished from the matrix prison planet, like a forgotten ghost of someone that no one ever knew. Statistically, I shouldn’t even be here; I should be as dead as many of my friends, who are now just tombstones. It’s as overwhelming as a mile-high tidal wave, & as I mentioned earlier, I’m on an island unto myself, in the middle of a vast ocean, with nothing but those towering tidal waves to watch, pounding on the sky-high vertical cliffs surrounding my cave of solitude. A permanent state of social isolation, like the mighty Zarathustra, & I wonder if I’ll ever go back down, as he did, after his alone-time with only himself & The breath of The Great Creator ended. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t, but for now, it’s time to go, so until next time dear readers, appreciate the wine from the vine while you can, before the grapes in the vineyard fall to the ground to the hungry worms. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

One cannot exist in a future yet to come, nor dwell in a past that will never come again.” Fish F Fish🎏

“Oh this mind of mine, woe to this mind of mine.” Fish F Fish🎏