The Fooze: S6E6 6/6/2023 Day of the Devil

No, not really the “day of the devil,” unless you believe that every day is the devil’s, which isn’t much of a stretch here in Clownworld. Everything IS backwards & upside-down here. “Pride” is being celebrated by the queer community this month, as if it is NOT one of the 7 deadly sins…duh, ya godless heathens. One could certainly argue that the world is most certainly rife with demons & devils & such. Oh sure, most of them look unmistakably human, but are they? Maybe the world is like the movie They Live, & you can only see them with the right eyes. I look, I always look, & although I wouldn’t go so far as to say they look totally alien to the human race, there are quite a few that just…ugh…that’s the lone adjective I’ll illustrate them with, the pukeworthy ugh, on their unrespectively fugly flabulous faces. Day by day, just rotting away.

I’m not gonna go on one of my usual tirades on the current state of the human race, because this one is just capturing the day, the white date to the blue date on my little calendar widget. One must maintain a discipline, particularly when it comes to personal passions, as if it were a job, but a job you enjoy doing, as opposed to what many think they have to do, to get that loot, to pay those bills, cover the taxes, survive essentially, or at least that’s the nature of the trap most of you are stuck in. That’s right, The Great Mouse Trap, coined by yours truly, & possibly a future book. I could detail the GMT(Great Mouse Trap) for days & days, as I already have for the last 6 months, so it wouldn’t be a big stretch from the right here. We’ll see, as I have another, yes ANOTHER, book idea in the works. I wish I could just write all day, write & paint, but as mentioned earlier, apparently you need money in this fucked up world, or do you? Maybe I’ll just say to myself, “Fuck the money, write & paint daily anyway, until there’s nothing left.” It wouldn’t be the first time; I’ve been down so God-damned long that it all looks like up to me, in the words of the legendary Mr. Mojo Risin. If you don’t get that reference, perhaps the doors of your own perception are still locked, but as usual, I digress. Until next time dear readers, don’t go down with the devils. So sayeth FisH™…🎏

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎏

“Down with the devils.” Fish F Fish🎏