The Fooze: S6E12 6/12/2023 Soul Trapped

Yes, that’s right fellow humans, we’re all soul-trapped, trapped into an artificial reality, based on money & power. Brought here again, & again, & again, & again, memories erased, abilities taken, DNA altered, & for what? To keep feeding The Great Recycler? Why is it that the most sinister among us, live like royalty? Am I the only one who sees these things? It sure seems like it, doesn’t it? It does to me, but what do I know, ya know? Nothing, nothing is what I know, apparently, as I seem to have zero value in this artificial 3d pseudo-reality. So what does it matter, what does ANYTHING matter, as far as what I do anyway? It doesn’t, & why? Great question, thanks for playing.

It doesn’t, for a few reasons, the main reason being, my abilities are hampered, my DNA tampered with, & if you’re born clueless, most people never find their way back to their true higher selves. Most people are born clueless, because their respective memories have been wiped, along with any knowledge of their true potential as immortal soul beings. Nope, no more of that, especially here on this sordidly hopeless 3d prison planet. That’s right, PRISON PLANET, & most of us are incarcerated for life, if you can even call imprisonment “life.” Not to mention, at this point the powers-that-be have created dynasties, & pedigrees, & lineages, all of which doesn’t exist in the world I grew up in, & because they’ve done this, they’ve created an unprecedented divide amongst those deemed “rich,” & most of us who are defined as “poor.” The split grows wider by the day, like a fault line, but with no earthquake in sight, not yet anyway. Someday that quake will come though, & who will be on the losing end? YOU, as it most certainly won’t be them, as their aforementioned dynasties, their dynastic bloodlines, stretch for total global domination, anyone in the way will simply be collateral damage to them. Their game is their game, & our game isn’t even a game, it’s a life sentence, to be prisoners, to be convicts, enslaved to them. Am I wrong?

I watched a video the other day about the depths of these dynasties, that stretch back all the way to Roman times, maybe even before that. Yep, it goes that far back, & those who are part of these bloodlines live like kings & queens, because they say so, all on the blood of us prisoner peasants, playing right into that God-damned expression that “it’s just the way it is.” No, it’s not, not for me, nor will I ever, EVER, abide that notion. They have secrets you see, secrets that give them endless wealth, as well as endless power, & day by day, they gain more, at the behest of the prisoners, US. Human life is relative, subjective in their eyes, & if you’re NOT in the bloodline, you’re out, out for life, & you expect me to respect that “it’s just the way it is?” Hell no, fuck you, & fuck your bloodlines. Of course, if I were in the bloodline, my perspective would be different, because I’d know said secrets, & have more abilities than I have, but to sell your soul to Satan, or Lucifer, or whatever name you want to attribute to the pseudo-god that THEY worship, nope, keep it, keep your bloodlines, keep your stolen power, & certainly keep your God-damned money. Fuck your money, & your power. Easy to say from this side of the coin, but if I were on their side, & knew what most didn’t, how would my life be different?

Fuck if I know, because I’ve never been rich, definitely never been wealthy, & as one who as never followed and/or led, what do I know about the nature of power? Nothing, I know nothing, nothing of these things, nor do I care, because to me, it’s all artificial. I’ve had dreams, dreams as well as visions, & what said dreams & visions have told me, is that none of this is real. The zeitgeist has been hijacked for centuries, more so now than ever before, & thus, this world has become an artificial existence that in the end, adds up to a wink in time. Time flies, this is true, but we’re only subjected to 4d time in this 3d pseudo-reality. We, the collective humanity, that are NOT in the bloodline, we were originally 5d entities, with abilities that are nearly beyond comprehension down here in 3d Clownworld. They took that from us though, long ago, they just took it, leaving us clueless from birth as to who we truly are, & the cycle just repeats, lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. Enslave the soul, steal the soul energy, wipe the memories, then born again to do it all again, for THEM, not for ourselves.

Maybe it’s me, but God damnit, this cycle must stop. THIS, this 3d circus, must stop, but sadly, it won’t. Nope, your overlords will keep venerating their false god, feeding souls to said false god, to gain more & more dominion over this forsaken prison planet. Since most people have no clue, they abide their masters, unwillingly willingly, because of their own ignorance. “It’s just the way it is,” God I hate that fucking phrase. I HATE IT, & even as an immortal spirit who thrives of love & benevolence, I HATE IT. Where’s the divine justice? Where’s any divinity at all, other than their false god with its false divinity? Maybe there isn’t, & maybe God left us long ago, in true Nietzschian fashion, what do you think? Maybe I’m the clueless one, justifying my own pathetic existence by blaming the ones in charge, blaming the masters, what do you think about that? It’s hard to NOT justify my inclinations though, because I have the ability to see through the facade, to see what this fucked-off world truly is, a prison, a soul prison, an entire planet that only functions to empower those who worship darkness. Or…yes, YES, maybe I’m just a delusional idiot that uses words like a used-car salesman might…so again, what do you think? Doesn’t fucking matter, just like everything else, & I’m done with this article. Fuck it. Until next time dear readers, think for yourselves, not for them, as most do, & that’s it. So sayeth FisH™…🎣

For all of you, & for none of you at all…🎣

“Think for yourselves, not for them.” Fish F Fish🎣